Senin, 23 April 2018

How to Buy a Domain NameHow to Purchase a Domain

How to Buy
What is going on guys hey I wanted to show you how to purchase a domain name I know that sounds simple to some but some people don't know how to do it and that is why I'm making this video so it's very simple you can go to getanewdomain.Com okay getanewdomain.Com and it's going to pull you up here to Namecheap getanewdomain.Com all you're going to do is search for a domain that's relevant to what you want it to be so whether that be you sell cars you want a car... Let's see car sales boss dot-com look at its available car sales boss calm 1069 for the year okay the reason I. Recommend Namecheap is because they also offer WhoIs Guard for full-year protection for free and it protects your private information so people don't, you know you don't get a bunch of sales calls and sales emails and all that stuff when you purchase a domain name people try to sell you other services or their business and stuff like that anyway so this is available you can add to cart you can on and continue checkout and you can purchase it with PayPal or whatever so now I also have a youtube channel I. Just started so if you guys are watching this now I also have another video here how to mask or cloak affiliate link marketing links using Namecheap really good use of any link that you have but this is just to show you how to use Namecheap where we were just talking about buying the the domain name how you can use it to mask and cloak your links or affiliate link so after you get your domain name go to that other video here on my page on YouTube channel and subscribe check that video out it's going to show you what you need to do to to mask or cloak affiliate links to forward affiliate links it's going to show you how to forward email addresses so they look more professional with your dot-com at the end of it and I'm going to also show you how to make subdomains in that video as well so please check that out like I said subscribe or share this video or the next video that you watch share it with friends and family or coworkers or fellow entrepreneurs to you know if they if you think they can find this useful so car sales boss calm as of right now is available if that's something you were looking at I'm looking at getting social sales ninja so I can add that to my cart as well as how to use email autoresponders dot-com and online career group dot-com so I can hit view cart there's only one okay let me go back to namecheap let's see my cart will stay active I haven't...

This websites from like yesterday so it probably Auto refreshed and I lost it okay so yes I only have one item in my cart I'm going to put how to use email auto responders the reason I'm doing that is because that web domain is highly highly SEO. Friendly search engine optimization it's very SEO friendly how to use email autoresponders okay now I'm going to put a couple of words like target words keywords on the sales page and basically what it's going to do is redirect people to Aweber which is an autoresponder after they enter their information it's going to show a video about how useful Aweber is and it's going to direct them or redirect them to my affiliate link for aweber that's going to then get them to sign up when they do that I do make a little bit of a commission if you're interested in that stay tuned because I'm going to make a video about that so also hit on my on my channel subscribe and turn your notifications on so that you will get my videos and newest videos or get an alert for that so anyways domain name okay this how you purchase it how to use email autoresponders we've got that one add that to cart because if you look go here to move sign that's not Google haha Google.Com how to use email auto-responder okay this is what comes up right now there's 1.2 6 Million results so the goal is of course... You're probably not going to get up there with Aweber and these blogs and stuff like that but the goal is definitely to get up here somewhere you know and rank your page enough to where when people do search for that it will be found there's a lot of people believe it or not they'll go through you know multiple pages trying to find something that isn't on the top because some people just they just like using something that not everybody else uses but what's good is if you want your website name to be something relative or close to that you want it to have a lot of searches you want to have a lot of searches which this one are using all the responded I don't know why but now it's showing you 3.5 Million I don't think I changed anything so you want your web domain to also have something relative or close to that right? And you can go to Google Keyword planner and you can type that in too how to use email autoresponder you can check the average monthly searches for all the ideas which is one to ten million ok that's a lot so out of one to ten million monthly searches for something related to that you have a chance for your domain your page with your affiliate link to grow organically and make it up into this top pages and just have income on autopilot right so if you create some kind of page with an informational video showing people how to use autoresponders or how they can sign up with Aweber and how a weaver has free training on all this stuff and it ranks up here because you get a lot of traffic people start going in and opting in giving you their email address on your from your capture page then they end up going in signing up to Aweber through your affiliate link now a weber you get about five dollars and 60 cents per person that signs up underneath you as an affiliate so you gotta you guys have to recognize the power of that though whenever you get let's say in two years my...That site you know that i spent $10 on i spend $19 a month on aweber that i use for everything else and i spent $10 a years or 20 bucks you know 22 dollars from my website let's say in two years of thousand people sign up an extra fifty six hundred dollars a month right and that's just off of just taking a little bit of time putting stuff out there like this and spending a little bit of money very low maintenance and just putting it out there now you can do that 10 20 30 times I mean what's you know fifty six hundred by thirty you do the math you just have to have the good ideas if they have a relative content relative websites relative domain names and you have to have them SEO friendly and let them let them get ranked up but if you don't how to do that that's that's very easy to do I'm going to have another video actually that explains more of that but you can just see some of these keywords that you have to on your your sales page okay and so these keywords here on your sales page are going to help you out with your SEO. Ranking on these sites here okay ayane on google search results so yours could be up here eventually insist you know how how to use email autoresponders dot-com and write how to use email responders what is an email autoresponder you know have throw some of these keywords in there like autoresponders you use for email marketing or out of office email alright because you're throwing email marketing and out of office email in there which could collectively have anywhere from twenty to a hundred and one thousand monthly searches that's that's a lot guys that's a lot so if you definitely want to when you're buying and purchasing a domain name definitely want to find something that's relative and something that's that is going to rank high so online career group.Com and applying for that one to that one is also available come on anyway so little okay so right here is a review cart so this is $32 guys for a potential a chance as long as you put in the work let me make sure I.

Spelled all of these right social sales ninja how to use email autoresponders dot-com and online career group okay so you want to confirm your order (Sorry for the Pause!) Let's get this going I'm sorry guys let's get this going so I have a setup to use PayPal you can select other payment options you can use PayPal which I enjoy I really like it because I do as you saw earlier I do sell stuff on eBay as well and I just use the PayPal the profits from my eBay stuff to re-invest them into other opportunities like this okay and that's probably the best way to go about it you want to re-invest your money don't just blow it waste it so it's that simple guys and I really really recommend that you guys do stuff like this because ok so I just got my my notification showing that I spent money on PayPal now it's just here we go it's loading so it's purchasing my who is guard and processing all this data for my my domains ok now what I do want to show you too is like I said before go to go to my youtube channel like this video go to my channel subscribe to my channel watch my other video on how the mask and clothes affiliate marketing links watch that video and leave comments on both let me know what you think you know if this helped you as a this is definitely something so thank you for your purchase I'm done right boom I own these ok and what to do next with them is why you need to watch my other video so please watch my other video I'll put a link in the description as well so that you can find this easy but definitely watch it and it'll show you what to do next on now if you're watching this on a different sales page really page or something like that just hit next video and and you'll be able to see what I'm talking about that this is basically going to walk you through buying a domain name how to mask and cloak your affiliate marketing links and there is going to be more there are going to be more videos after this so please stay tuned like I said go to my YouTube channel and subscribe whatever you can to stay in connection with me in contact with me because I'm going to try and help you guys out a lot and provide you with some valuable information so please like I said share like subscribe and watch my other videos thank you.

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