Senin, 30 April 2018

How a DNS Server (Domain Name System) works.

How a DNS Server (Domain Name System) works.
In the world of networking, computers
don't go by names like humans do, they go by numbers, because that's how computers
and other similar devices talk and identify with each other over a network,
which is by using numbers such as IP. Addresses.  Humans on the other hand are
accustomed to using names instead of numbers, whether is talking directly to another
person or identifying a country, place, or thing, humans identify with
names instead of numbers. So in order to bridge the communication gap between
computers and humans and make the communication of a lot easier networking engineers developed DNS, and
DNS stands for a domain name system.

And DNS. Resolves names to numbers, to be more
specific it resolves domain names to IP addresses.
So if you type in a web address in your web browser, DNS will resolve the name to
a number because the only thing computers know are numbers. So for
example if you wanted to go to a certain website you would open up your web
browser and type in the domain name of that website, so for example let's use

 Now technically you really don't have to type in yahoo.Com to
retrieve the Yahoo web page, you can just type in the IP address instead if you
already knew what the IP address was, but since we are not accustomed to
memorizing and dealing with numbers, especially when there are millions of
websites on the internet, we can just type in the domain name instead and let
DNS convert it to an IP address for us. So back to our example, when you typing
yahoo.Com your web browser the DNS server with search through its
database to find a matching IP address for that domain name, and when it finds
it it will resolve that domain name to the IP address of the Yahoo web site, and
once that is done then your computer is able to communicate with a Yahoo web
server and retrieve the webpage.  So DNS. Basically works like a phone book, when
you want to find a number, you don't look up the number first, you look up the name
first then it will give you the number.

So to break this down into further
detail let's examine the steps that DNS. Takes. So when you type in yahoo.Com in
your web browser and if your web browser or operating system can't find the IP
address in its own cache memory, it will send the query to the next level to what
is called the resolver server to resolver server is basically your ISP or
Internet service provider, so when the resolver receives the query, it will check
its own cache memory to find an IP. Address for yahoo.Com, and if it can't
find it it will send the query to the next level which is the root server.

The root servers are the top or the root
of a DNS hierarchy. There are 13 sets of these root servers and they are
strategically placed around the world, and they are operated by 12 different
organizations and each set of these root servers has their own unique IP address.
So when the root server receives the query for the IP address for yahoo.Com,
the root server is not going to know what the IP address is, but the root
server does know where to send the resolver to help it find the IP address.
So the root server will direct the resolver to the TLD or top-level domain
server for the dot-com domain. So the resolver will now ask the TLD server for the
IP address for yahoo.Com. The top level domain server stores the
address information for a top-level domains, such as.Com and.Net dot org and
so on.

This particular TLD server manages the dot-com domain which yahoo.Com is a
part of. So when a TLD server receives the query
for the IP address for yahoo.Com, the TLD server is not going to know
what the IP addresses for yahoo.Com.  So the TLD will direct the resolver to the
next and final level, which are the authoritative name servers. So once again the resolver will now ask
the authoritative name server for the IP.

Address for yahoo.Com. The authoritative name server or servers
are responsible for knowing everything about the domain which includes the IP
address. They are the final authority.  So when the authoritative name server
receives the query from the resolver, the name server will respond with the IP
address for yahoo.Com.

And finally the resolver will tell your computer the IP
address for yahoo.Com and then your computer can now retrieve the Yahoo web
page. It's important to note that once the
resolver receives the IP address, it will store it in its cache memory in case it
receives another query for yahoo.Com so it doesn't have to go through all those
steps again..

Minggu, 29 April 2018

Domains and Kingdoms of life

Domains and Kingdoms of life
At the broadest level, all life on earth can be assigned into one of three major groups called domains: domain Bacteria, domain Archaea, and domain Eukarya. While the diversity of life within each of these domains is vast, organisms in the domain share certain characteristics, such as similar cell structures and related sequences of ribosomal RNA. Two of the three domains, domain Bacteria and domain Archaea, contain prokaryotic organisms. These are single-celled organisms that do not have a membrane-bound nucleus.

Archaea live in aquatic environments that lack oxygen or are too salty, too hot, or too acidic for most organisms. The ability of some archaea to live in environmental conditions similar to the early Earth is an indication of the ancient heritage of the domain. As scientists look for life on other planets and moons they are often looking for evidence of archaean-like organisms. Bacteria are found almost everywhere- in the water, soil and atmosphere, as well as on our skin, and in our mouths and large intestines.

Although some bacteria cause diseases, others can be very beneficial. Many of our drugs are manufactured using bacteria, and bacteria play an important role in the processing of many of our foods. In our bodies, both our digestive and immune systems rely on the action of beneficial bacteria. While archaea and bacteria domains are both prokaryotic, studies of their ribosomal RNA indicate they are not closely related to one another.

In addition, their cell walls are considerably different. The bacterial cell wall contains peptidoglycan as well as protein, polysaccharides, and lipids. The archaeal cell wall lacks peptidoglycan but does contain proteins, polysaccharides and lipids. The final domain, domain Eukarya includes the eukaryotes, or organisms that have a membrane-bound nucleus.

In addition, most eukaryotes have internal organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, and in general, eukaryotic cells are much bigger than the prokaryotes. Domain Eukarya is subdivided into four kingdoms  the Protists, Plants, Fungi, and Animals..

Domain of a functionFunctions and their graphsAlgebra IIKhan Academy

Domain of a
Welcome to my presentation
on domain of a function. So what's is the domain? The domain of a function,
you'll often hear it combined with domain and range. But the domain of a function is
just what values can I put into a function and get
a valid output. So let's start with
something examples.

Let's say I had f of x is equal
to, let's say, x squared. So let me ask you a question. What values of x can I put
in here so I get a valid answer for x squared? Well, I can really put anything
in here, any real number. So here I'll say that the
domain is the set of x's such that x is a member
of the real numbers.

So this is just a fancy way of
saying that OK, this r with this kind of double backbone
here, that just means real numbers, and I think you're
familiar with real numbers now. That's pretty much every number
outside of the complex numbers. And if you don't know
what complex numbers are, that's fine. You probably won't need
to know it right now.

The real numbers are every
number that most people are familiar with, including
irrational numbers, including transcendental numbers,
including fractions -- every number is a real number. So the domain here is x --
x just has to be a member of the real numbers. And this little backwards
looking e or something, this just means x is a member
of the real numbers. So let's do another one
in a slight variation.

So let's say I had f of x is
equal to 1 over x squared. So is this same thing now? Can I still put any x
value in here and get a reasonable answer? Well what's f of 0? F of zero is equal to 1 over 0. And what's 1 over 0? I don't know what it is,
so this is undefined. No one ever took the trouble to
define what 1 over 0 should be.

And they probably didn't do, so
some people probably thought about what should be, but they
probably couldn't find out with a good definition for 1 over
0 that's consistent with the rest of mathematics. So 1 over 0 stays undefined. So f of 0 is undefined. So we can't put 0 in and get
a valid answer for f of 0.

So here we say the domain is
equal to -- do little brackets, that shows kind of the
set of what x's apply. That's those little curly
brackets, I didn't draw it that well. X is a member of the real
numbers still, such that x does not equal 0. So here I just made a slight
variation on what I had before.

Before we said when f of x is
equal to x squared that x is just any real number. Now we're saying that x is any
real number except for 0. This is just a fancy way of
saying it, and then these curly brackets just mean a set. Let's do a couple more ones.

Let's say f of x is equal to
the square root of x minus 3. So up here we said, well this
function isn't defined when we get a 0 in the denominator. But what's interesting
about this function? Can we take a square root
of a negative number? Well until we learn about
imaginary and complex numbers we can't. So here we say well, any x is
valid here except for the x's that make this expression under
the radical sign negative.

So we have to say that x minus
3 has to be greater than or equal to 0, right, because you
could have the square to 0, that's fine, it's just 0. So x minus 3 has to be greater
than or equal to 0, so x has to be greater than or equal to 3. So here our domain is x is a
member of the real numbers, such that x is greater
than or equal to 3. Let's do a slightly
more difficult one.

What if I said f of x is equal
to the square root of the absolute value of x minus 3. So now it's getting a little
bit more complicated. Well just like this time
around, this expression of the radical still has to be
greater than or equal to 0. So you can just say that the
absolute value of x minus 3 is greater than or equal to 0.

So we have the absolute value
of x has to be greater than or equal to 3. And if order for the absolute
value of something to be greater than or equal to
something, then that means that x has to be less than or equal
to negative 3, or x has to be greater than or equal to 3. It makes sense because x
can't be negative 2, right? Because negative 2 has an
absolute value less than 3. So x has to be less
than negative 3.

It has to be further in the
negative direction than negative 3, or it has to be
further in the positive direction than positive 3. So, once again, x has to be
less than negative 3 or x has to be greater than 3,
so we have our domain. So we have it as x is
a member of the reals -- I always forget. Is that the line? I forget, it's either
a colon or a line.

I'm rusty, it's been
years since I've done this kind of stuff. But anyway, I think
you get the point. It could be any real number
here, as long as x is less than negative 3, less than or
equal to negative 3, or x is greater than or equal to 3. Let me ask a question now.

What if instead of this it was
-- that was the denominator, this is all a separate
problem up here. So now we have 1 over the
square root of the absolute value of x minus 3. So now how does this
change the situation? So not only does this
expression in the denominator, not only does this have to be
greater than or equal to 0, can it be 0 anymore? Well no, because then you would
get the square root of 0, which is 0 and you would get a
0 in the denominator. So it's kind of like
this problem plus this problem combined.

So now when you have 1 over the
square root of the absolute value of x minus 3, now it's no
longer greater than or equal to 0, it's just a greater
than 0, right? It's just greater than 0. Because we can't have a 0
here in the denominator. So if it's greater than 0, then
we just say greater than 3. And essentially just get rid of
the equal signs right here.

Let me erase it properly. It's a slightly different
color, but maybe you won't notice. So there you go. Actually, we should do another
example since we have time.

Let me erase this. OK. Now let's say that f of x is
equal to 2, if x is even, and 1 over x minus 2 times
x minus 1, if x is odd. So what's the domain here? What is a valid x I
can put in here.

So immediately we
have two clauses. If x is even we use this
clause, so f of 4 -- well, that's just equal to 2 because
we used this clause here. But this clause applies
when x is odd. Just like we did in the last
example, what are the situations where this
kind of breaks down? Well, when the
denominator is 0.

Well the denominator is 0
when x is equal to 2, or x is equal to 1, right? But this clause only
applies when x is odd. So x is equal to 2 won't
apply to this clause. So only x is equal to 1
would apply to this clause. So the domain is x is a member
of the reals, such that x does not equal 1.

I think that's all the
time I have for now. Have fun practicing
these domain problems..

Sabtu, 28 April 2018

Domain and range of a functionFunctions and their graphsAlgebra IIKhan Academy

Domain and range
Let's do some example problems
dealing with functions and their domains and ranges. Just as a review, a function
is just an operator-- let's say this function is f; that
tends to be the most typical letter for functions-- that
operates on some input, in this case, the input is x, and
it produces some output y. Or you could view it as you take
some input x, put it into your function box f, and it's
going to operate on it and produce some y. And the set of values that x
can take on is the domain.

The set of values that f can
legitimately operate on, that's the domain. And the set of values
y that f can produce, that is the range. Now, with that in mind, let's
figure out, one, the function definitions for each of these
problems here, these example problems, and then figure out
the domains and the ranges. So here we have Dustin charges
$10.00 Per hour-- so let me write that down-- $10.00 Per
hour for mowing lawns.

So how much does he charge
as a function of hours? So let's say Dustin charges, so
the function, I'll call it d for Dustin. Dustin charges as a
function of hours. It depends on hours. The input into our box
is going to be hours that he worked.

It's going to be equal to the
number of hours times 10. It's going to be 10 times-- I
won't write the times there. Maybe I can just write 10h. And, of course, he can't work
negative hours, so we could write h is going to be greater
than or equal to 0.

That's our function
definition. If you say, hey, how much is he
going to charge for working half an hour? You put 1/2 in here, which
essentially substitutes this h with a 1/2. You do 10 times 1/2. Let me write that down
on the side here.

So Dustin's going to charge
for 1/2 hour. He's going to charge 10--
wherever you see the h, replace it with 1/2-- times 1/2,
which is equal to $5.00. That's our function
definition. I was just showing you an
example of applying it.

Now, let's figure out the
domain and the range. So I almost explicitly say
it here, you can't work negative hours. This number, this function,
is not defined if h is less than 0. So we could say non-negative.

And we could say real numbers,
which it could be everything including pi and e
and all of that. But you can't legitimately
charge someone 10 times pi dollars. That's not a legitimate amount
that one can charge someone in the real world, because at the
end of the day, you have to round to the penny. You can't actually
charge them that.

So any number that he
charges is going to be a rational number. It can be expressed
as a fraction. So we can kind of take out
numbers like e and pi. So if we want to be really cute
about it, we would say non-negative.

Rational numbers. And these are just numbers that
can be expressed as a fraction, which are most
numbers, just not these numbers that just keep not
repeating and all of that. So non-negative rational
numbers is what he can input in here. And then the range, which is
the valid-- once again, whatever number you put in for
h, remember, you can only put in non-negative values for h,
non-negative rational values for h, so whatever numbers you
put in for h, you're going to get positive values for how much
he charges for 10h, for the value of the function.

So once again it's going to be
non-negative, and if you put a rational number here and it's
being expressed as a fraction and you multiply it by 10,
it's still going to be a rational number. And if you want to be really
cute, you could say any number that could be expressed
as a dollar sign. But anyway, I don't want to get
too cute on this problem. I think you get the idea.

Let's do more problems. All right. Here we have Maria doing
some tutoring. Maria charges $25.00 Per hour
for tutoring math with a minimum charge of $15.00.

So Maria charges as a
function of hours. So she's going to charge
$15.00 If you don't get enough hours in. So at $25.00 Per hour, in order
to make $15.00, You've got to work 15/25, so
it's 3/5 of an hour. So if her hours are less than
3/5 and greater than or equal to 0, she's going to
charge $15.00.

Because if she only worked 1/5
of an hour, the bill would have been $5.00, But
she says she has a minimum charge of $15.00. So she's going to charge $15.00
Up until 3/5 of an hour, or 36 minutes. And then after that, for h
greater than 3/5, she's going to charge $25.00 An hour. She's going to charge
25 times h.

So that's her function
definition right there. Now, what is the domain,
the domain for Maria's billing function? Well, once again, this
is only defined for non-negative numbers. And by the same logic we used
here, we got a little cute. We said, oh, she really can't
charge e hours or pi hours.

That's not realistic
for her to measure. Everything's going to be
expressible as a fraction. For example, even 5,
if you say 5 hours, that's still a fraction. That's 5 over 1.

So let's say non-negative
rational numbers. And what's the range of her
charging function or her billing function? Well, it has to be
at least $15.00. No matter what, she's going to
charge $15.00, So it's going to be $15.00 Or more. So it's going to be rational
numbers greater than or equal to $15.00.

There's no situation in which
she will charge $14.00. There's no situation
in which she would charge negative $1.00. Everything's going to be greater
than or equal to 15. So now we have these more
abstract function definitions, so now can stick really
any number in it.

Well, we're not going
to deal with complexes, any real number. But let's see if they limit
it a little bit. So we have f of x. Let me rewrite it.

F of x is
equal to 15x minus 12. So what's the domain here? What's our domain? Well, I can stick any real
number x in here and I'm just going to multiply it by 15
and then subtract 12. I could put pi there. I could put the square
of 2 there.

I could put e there. I could do all sorts
of crazy things. So I'm going to say
all real numbers. Any real number I put in for
x, I'm going to get a legitimate output.

And then what is my range? Well, once again, this can take
on any value out there. I can get to any negative
value if I. Make x negative enough. I'm going to subtract 12 from
it, but I could get to any negative value.

I could get to zero. I could get to any
positive value. So this is also going to
be all real numbers. Now we have this function.

It says f of x is equal to--
they forgot the equal sign-- 2x squared plus 5. So what is the domain? What are all of the valid values
for x that I could stick here? Well, I could stick
anything here. I could put e there. 2 Times e squared plus 5.

I could put a square
root of 2 there. I could put a negative
number there. So I could really take
on any real number. All real numbers, positive or
negative or otherwise, or even non-rational.

And then what is
the range here? And this is interesting. Because no matter what number
I put here, this value right here is going to be
greater than zero. This is going to be, right
here, non-negative. Even if you put a really
negative number here, you're going to square it, so it's
going to become a really positive number when
you square it.

So this expression right here
is going to be non-negative. So if you take a non-negative
number and you add it to 5, you're always going to get
something greater than or equal to 5. Worst case, this is a zero,
and then you get a 5. But if this is either slightly
less than zero or slightly more than zero, you're going to
get values greater than 5.

So the range is all real
numbers greater than or equal to 5. Your f of x could never take
on the value zero. There's no way to get zero. Problem 5.

They have f of x is
equal to 1 over x. So, once again, our domain. Well, we could put any
value in for x. Any real number will
work here.

We're just going to take
the inverse of it. So this is going to be all
reals, all real numbers. And then what is the range? This is interesting as well. Because no matter what I put
here, I can put anything here.

Oh, actually, let me be
very, very careful. This is not defined for
x is equal to 0. All real that are not
equal to zero. If I put zero here, I'm
going to get 1/0.

It will be undefined. Let me write that down. I almost made a mistake.
F of 0 is undefined. And that literally means
we don't know what to do with the zero.

We have not defined a way
to operate on a zero. So f of 0 is undefined. So the domain is all reals
except for zero. And now what's the range? Well, once again, we can take on
any value here except zero.

We could try to approach zero. If x got really, really, really,
really, really large, then this will approach zero. If x got really, really
negative, it'll approach zero. But in no circumstance will we
actually ever get to zero.

So once again, all reals that
are not equal to zero. All real numbers except
for zero. All right. Problem 6.

What is the range of the
function y is equal to x squared minus 5 when the
domain is-- so they're defining the domain. They're restricting it. They're saying the domain is
just the numbers minus 2, minus 1, 0, 1, and 2. So this function definition
really should say f of x is equal to x squared minus 5 for x
is equal to-- we could write any member for x is a member
of the set minus 2, minus 1, 0, 1, 2.

It's not defined for x being
anything else to that. You don't know what
to do with it. You can only apply it if
x is one of these. So what's the range? Well, the range is all of the
functions, all the values that f of x can take on.

So the range is going to be the
set of values that we get when we put in all of
these different x's. So let's try this first
one: negative 2. Negative 2 squared minus 5. That's 4 minus 5.

That's negative 1. Let's do negative 1. Negative 1 squared minus 5. That is 1 minus 5.

That is negative 4. You have 0. 0 Squared. So f of 0, you have 0 squared
minus 5, that's negative 5.

And you have 1. 1 Squared minus 5, that's
negative 4, so it's already in our range. Then you have 2. 2 Squared minus 5, that's
negative 1, already in our range.

So that's all of the values that
this function can take on, given that we've
restricted it to only these inputs..

Jumat, 27 April 2018

Domain and range of a function given a formulaAlgebra IIKhan Academy

Domain and range
Determine the domain and range of the function f of x is equal to
3x squared plus 6x minus 2. So, the domain of the function is:
what is a set of all of the valid inputs, or all of the valid x values
for this function? And, I can take any real number,
square it, multiply it by 3, then add 6 times that real number
and then subtract 2 from it. So essentially any number if we're talking
about reals when we talk about any number. So, the domain, the set
of valid inputs, the set of inputs over which this function
is defined, is all real numbers.

So, the domain here is
all real numbers. And, for those of you who might say, well,
you know, aren't all numbers real? You may or may not know that
there is a class of numbers, that are a little bit bizarre
when you first learn them, called imaginary numbers
and complex numbers. But, I won't go into that right now. But, most of the traditional
numbers that you know of, they are part of
the set of real numbers.

It's pretty much
everything but complex numbers. So, you take any real number
and you put it here, you can square it, multiply it by 3,
then add 6 times it and subtract 2. Now, the range, at least the way we've
been thinking about it in this series of videos-- The range is set of possible,
outputs of this function. Or if we said y equals f of x
on a graph, it's a set of all the possible y values.

And, to get a flavor for this,
I'm going to try to graph this function right over here. And, if you're familiar with quadratics-- and that's what this function is
right over here, it is a quadratic-- you might already know
that it has a parabolic shape. And, so its shape might look
something like this. And, actually this one will
look like this, it's upward opening.

But other parabolas
have shapes like that. And, you see when a parabola
has a shape like this, it won't take on any values
below its vertex when it's upward opening, and it won't take on any values above
its vertex when it is downward opening. So, let's see if we can graph
this and maybe get a sense of its vertex. There are ways
to calculate the vertex exactly, but let's see how we can
think about this problem.

So, I'm gonna try some x and y values. There's other ways to directly compute the
vertex. Negative b over 2a is the formula for it. It comes straight out of the quadratic formula, which you get from completing the

Lets try some x values and lets see what f
of x is equal to. So, let's try, well this the values we've
been trying the last two videos. What happens when x is equal to negative
two? Then f of x is 3 times negative 2 squared,
which is 4, plus 6 times negative 2, which is 6 times negative 2,
so it's minus 12 minus 2. So, this is 12 minus 12 minus 2.

So, it's equal to negative 2. Now, what happens when x is equal to
negative 1? So, this is going to be 3 times negative 1
squared, which is just 1, minus, or I. Should say plus 6 times negative 1 which
is minus 6 and then minus 2, and then minus
2. So, this is 3 minus 6 is negative 3 minus 2 is equal negative 5, and that actually
is the vertex.

And, you know the formula for the vertex,
once again, is negative b over 2 a. So, negative b. That's the coefficient on this term right
over here. It's negative 6 over 2 times this one
right over here, 2 times 3.

2 Times 3, this is equal to negative 1. So, that is the vertex, but let's just
keep on going right over here. So, what happens when x is equal to 0? These first two terms are 0, you're just
left with a negative 2. When x is equal to positive 1.

And, this is where you can see that this is the vertex, and you start seeing the
symmetry. If you go one above the vertex, f of x is
equal to negative 2. If you go one x value below the vertex, or
below the x value of the vertex, f of x is equal to
negative 2 again. But, let's just keep going.

We could try, let's do one more point over
here. So, we have, we could try, x is equal to
1. When x is equal to 1, you have 3 times one
squared which is 1. So, 3 times 1 plus 6 times 1, which is
just 6, minus 2.

So, this is 9 minus 2 it's equal to 7. And, that I think is enough points to give us a scaffold of what this graph will look
like. What the graph of the function would look
like. So, it would look something like this.

I do my best to draw it. So, this is a x equals negative 2. We draw the whole axis. This is x is equal to negative 1, this is
x is equal to, this is x is equal to 0 and then this is x is equal to
1 right over there and then when x is equal to, we go from negative 2
all the way to positive.

Or, we should go from negative 5 all the
way to positive 7. So, let's say this is negative 1,2,3,4,5. That's negative five over there on the y
axis, y axis and then it will go to positive 7. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

I could keep going, this is in the y, and
we're going to set y equal to whatever our output of
the function is. Y is equal to f of x. And this is one right here. So, lets plot the points.

You have the point negative 2, negative 2. When x is negative 2, this is the x axis. When x is negative 2, y is negative 2. Y is negative 2 so that is that right over

So, that is the point, that is the point
negative 2, negative 2. Fair enough? Then, we have this point that we have this
pink or purplish color. Negative, when x is negative 1, f of x is
negative 5. When x is negative 1, f of x is negative

And, we already said that this is the
vertex. And, you'll see the symmetry around it in
a second. So, this is the point negative 1, negative
5. And then, with the point 0, negative 2.

0, Negative when x is a 0, y is negative
2, for f' of x is negative 2 or f of 0 is negative 2, so this is the
point 0, negative 2, and then finally when x is equal to 1 and
f of 1 is 7, f of 1 is 7. So, that's right there it's a point 1, 7
and it gives us a scaffold for what this parabola, what this
curve will look like. So, I'll try my best to draw it
respectably. So, it would look something, something
like that, and keep on going in that direction.

Keep on going in that direction. But, I think you see the symmetry around
the vertex. That if you were to. If you were to put a line right over here,
the two sides are kind of the mirror images of
each other.

There, you can flip them over, and that's
how we know it's the vertex. And, that's how we also know, because this
is an upward opening parabola, I. Mean, there is formulas for vertex, and
there are multiple ways of calculating it. But, since it's an upward opening
parabola, where the vertex is going to be, the minimum

This is the minimum value that the
parabola will take on. So, going back to the original question,
this is all for trying to figure out the range, the set of y values, the set of
outputs that this function can generate. You see that the function, it can get as
low as negative 5. It got all the way down to negative 5
right at the vertex.

But, as you go to the right, as x values
increase to the right or decrease to the left, then
the parabola goes upwards. So, the parabola can never give you
values-- f of x is never going to be less than
negative 5. So, our domain,
but it can take on all the vaues. It can keep on increasing forever as x
gets larger, x gets smaller farther away from
the vertex.

So, our range, so we already said our
domain is all real numbers. Our range, the possible y values
is all real numbers greater than or equal to negative
5. It can take on the value of any real number greater than or equal to
negative 5. Nothing less than negative 5..

DNS Explained

DNS Explained
Today, there are people trying to dictate how the Domain Name System-known as DNS by the cool kids, and by association, the Internet as a whole, works. Unfortunately, many of these powerful individuals, and others, dont understand what exactly DNS is. This video is for them and for anyone else that wants to learn about DNS. We are going to go over the basics of what DNS is, how it works, and how if you use the Internet, it affects your life daily.

Think you know what DNS is already? Stick around anyway, you might learn something. Here at DNS Made Easy we love DNS and could obviously spend hours going into each and every detail, but were only explaining the basics here. If you ever decide to run for public office someday and want to make decisions on DNS  This will help. OK lets begin.

The Domain Name System is indisputably one of the most important and over-looked parts of the Internet. Without DNS, the Internet as we know it today, would collapse, and we would all be licking stamps to pay our bills, driving to an actual store to purchase something, reading the newspaper to see what movies were showing, or buying little round pieces of plastic called CDs to get our music.                        How can we say that DNS is this important? We all know (or should know), that the computers that make up the Internet are set up in large networks that communicate with eachother via underground (or under water), wires and are identified using strings of numbers known as IP addresses.  Since the majority of us lack the mental capacity to sort through and retain hundreds of numerical series, DNS is used to translate an actual name into these numbers.

But how does the Domain Name System work?   In a web browser lets say you enter the URL, www.Example.Com as a well, as an example. When you type www.Example.Com into your address bar, you will actually be looking for www.Example.Com.. Yes there is a dot at the end of the domain name. One that you never see.

And one that you never type. When you type in www.Google.Com, you are actually going to the page www.Google.Com.. Seriously. Try it out, well wait.

(Crickets chirp)  Ok look, that's long enough Anyway that end dot represents the root of the Internets name space.The Root!  Why is this so important? Because this is where it all begins. When you first search for www.Example.Com., Your browser and your operating system will first determine if they know what the IP address is already. It could be configured on your computer or it could be in memory, what the cool kids call cache.  No, not cash as in cash money; the memory cache, C-A-C-H-E.

Keep up, will ya?! Anyway... So the browser asks the operating system and they both dont know where www.Example.Com. Is. What happens next? The operating system is configured to ask a resolving name server, for IP addresses is does not know.

This resolving name server is the workhorse of the DNS lookup. It is either configured manually or automatically within your operating system. Your operating system asks (or queries), the resolving name server for www.Example.Com.. The resolving name server may or may not have this in memory or, you know, cache.

Yes the C-A-C-H-E one, not the... Nevermind. For the sake of this demonstration, it does not. The only thing that all resolving name servers should know, is where to find the root name servers.

Yes, that enigmatic dot that appears at the end of every domain name you type into that address bar. The root name servers will reply with I dont know, But I do know where to find the com name servers. Try there.  The COM name servers are called the Top Level Domain name servers or TLD name servers.

The resolving name server then takes all of this information from the root name servers, puts it in its cache, and then goes directly to the COM TLD name servers. When the resolving name server queries www.Example.Com, the TLD name servers respond, I dont know, but I do know where to find the Example.Com name servers. Try there.   This next set of name servers are the authoritative name servers.

So how did the COM TLD name servers know which authoritative name servers to use? With the help of the domains registrar. When a domain is purchased, the registrar is told which authoritative name servers that domain should use.  They notify the organization responsible for the top level domain (the registry), and tell them to update the TLD name servers. So anyway  The resolving name server takes the response from the TLD name server, stores it in cache, and then queries the example.Com name servers.

At this point, the authoritative name server will say, Hey! I know where that is!  Tell your browser to go to the IP Address!   The resolving name server takes this information from the authoritative name server, puts it in cache, and gives the reply to the operating system.  The operating system then gives this to the browser and the browser then makes a connection to the IP address requesting the web page for www.Example.Com. Pretty cool huh? While the process seems complex-and, believe me it is, this whole cycle take less time than it takes you to blink an eye.  DNS was designed to work extremely fast and efficiently.

It is an integral part of the Internet. Once you understand this, you can clearly see the many different facets and organizations that are responsible for a single DNS lookup.  One lookup! There is a resolving name server, the root name server, the TLD name servers, and the authoritative name servers. If anyone were to dramatically change or filter any part of the DNS process, it could lead to disaster.

This is why we believe the people with the power to pass legislation need to understand whats at stake before making decisions that could drastically affect how the Internet works! If you want to learn more about DNS, and see the DNS process in action first hand, type www.Dnsmadeeasy.Com into your browser. Brought you by DNS Made Easy; providing enterprise authoritative DNS for over 10 years. If DNS Made Easy isnt already managing your domain, contact us to see how we can lower your costs, increase your uptime, and increase your speeds..

Kamis, 26 April 2018

What Is The Difference Between A Domain Name And A WebsiteGoDaddy

What Is The
Hi there. In this video, you'll learn the difference between a domain and a website. While domains and websites are closely connected, they are two very different things. After registering a domain, you need to do something with it, put it to work for you.

Your domain can be used for a website, for an email account, or for both. You can, however, register a domain and choose NOT to use it for a website or an email account, BUT you can't have a website or an email account without a domain. When used for a website, your domain name is what people type into their browser to find your site  this is why they are sometimes referred to as web addresses. So godaddy.Com is the domain used for GoDaddy's website.

Registering a domain, however, doesn't automatically create a website  it only means that you've registered the domain. So for example, if you decided to start your own business and you thought of great name for it, you might copyright the name to protect it. However, simply giving your business a name is only one of many steps that go into building your business. In the same manner, when you register a domain and want to use it for a website, you'll need to first build the website, and then find a host for it, so it can be visible on the Web.

What's a host? Website hosts are companies that house, serve, and maintain files for one or more websites. Think of a website hosting company like a shopping center that contains several individual stores. If you want to open a store at the shopping center, you can lease space and set up shop. Just like a shopping center, website hosting companies enable you to lease space on their web servers, where you can store your website files and make them available for visitors to view.

Because you've registered your domain, you can use it at any web hosting company you want. Remember your store in the shopping center? Suppose you decided to move your store and lease space at a different shopping center. If you packed up your products and moved to a new location, you would still be able to use the same name for your store. The same is true for your domain  regardless of where you decided to host your website's files, your domain remains yours for the duration of your registration.

GoDaddy is both a domain registrar AND a website hosting company  and we have the tools to help you build your website. This means you can register your domain name, build a website for it, and get it on the web  all in one place! Do you already have a domain name? Don't just let it sit there; do something with it!.

What is a Domain Name How to register a Domain Name Domain Name kya hai, kaise register kare

What is a
What is a domain name ? How to register a domain name ? In this video we shall learn about domain names. What is a domain name ? How many kinds of domain names are there? How to choose a good domain name ? How to register a domain name ? Hello. My name is Aekta. What is a domain name ? A domain name helps us reach an IP address.

If I say Rashtrapati Bhawan , you will understand that  I mean Prakash Vir Shastri Avenue New Delhi. If I give you an IP address , you may possibly not remember it . If I tell you my domain name - KyaKaise.Com , you will be easily able to reach my web address. A domain name helps you to reach a website without knowing the IP address.

How many kinds of domain names are there? The main top level domain names are .Com for companies, .Net fot network , .Org for organizations .Edu for schools or colleges & .Gov for government websites. In India you will also find domain names ending in .Co.In & .In as well. It is important that you choose a good domain name for your website. Choose a domain name that is short & easy to remember Which has some originality & is easy to spell.

Let's see how to register a domain name . There are a no. Of websites where you can register a domain name. In this video I will tell you about Go Daddy.

There is a link in the description of this video below. Click on this to go to Go Daddy. The Go Daddy site is open . If you are coming here for the first time you will need to register & create a new account here.

Once you have completed the registration or if you are returning to the site you can click on Sign In. Click on Register to open a new account. Click on Create My Account . Fill the various fields.

Enter the email address & choose the username. Choose a password. It is telling us that the password should be 9 characters long and must contain an upper case letter & no. Let's choose a new password.

Now you need to choose a 4 digit call in PIN. If you need to call customer service for any issues you will need to give them the 4 digit PIN. It is asking you not to choose a sequential PIN such as 1234 or 1111. Choose a PIN which is easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.

Let's choose a PIN. Choose a PIN & click on Create Account. Now I am inside the Go Daddy site. There is an alert & it is asking me to update my profile in 30 secs.

Choose I own a business or non-profit for what best describes you & click Next. Choose Educational Services for  the question "Which best describes your business". Let's quickly finish this 4-5 question survey I have completed the short survey . I am logged in the Go Daddy site.

Click on the + icon. It is informing us that we don't have any domains. Click on the link which says Get One Now. You are directed to a new page.

You can search for the availability of a domain name here. You can check if the domain name that you want is available or not. Let's enter KYAKAISE.COM & click Search Domain I have already registered this domain name so it is not available. If someone else tries to register this domain name they will get this message.

However a no. Of alternate options are given below. Such as kyakaise.Guru, kyakaiseonline.Com, kyakaisenow.Com, kyakaisegroup.Com etc. However the intention is not to copy Kya Kaise.

We want to create a completely new domain name. Let's search for a new domain name - Type Video.Com in the search bar & click Search again. Video.Com is not available. Let's search for videoclass.Com & click search again.

Even videoclass.Com is not available. I am trying to create a new website where I will teach about videos. Let's type VIDEOKAISE.COM & click Search Again. This domain name is available.

It is telling us that normally this domain name costs Rs959 but if you register for 2 years or more the first year price is only Rs.189. Since there is a sale going on you can get this domain name cheaper. Click on Continue to Cart. This domain name has been added to our cart.

You have a few options here . In the first step you can protect your personal information. If you purchase this , no one will be able to know who owns this domain name. There are a no.

Of bots on the internet who spam your email id. This privacy option can help protect against that. However this is optional & you can purchase it or you can choose to proceed by clicking No Thanks . I will purchase the privacy protection which costs approx.

Rs.500. Next you can purchase the website builder & hosting or you can purchase the hosting separately. However I don't need these . Next you can add an email address for your business.

The email address will be aekta@videokaise.Com Since I have chosen the domain name to be videokaise.Com it will combine my name with the domain name to create an email address. You can add your name to the domain name to create the new email address. It costs Rs.200 Per month to create the email address. I don't need it at this time so I will click on No Thanks Click on Continue to Cart.

Click on the shopping cart icon on top which says checkout now . We are in the shopping cart now. You can choose for what duration you want this domain name . You can choose to purchase the domain name for 1, 2 , 3 , 5 or 10 years .

For now I will choose 1 year only. It will cost me Rs. 589 For 1 year. You can keep your domain name private or public.

If you keep this public , your personal information will be visible on the domain name. I will keep this as private. It is asking me if I also want to purchase videokaise.Net, videokaise.Co or videokaise.Info. However I don't want to purchase any of these matching domain names.

Click on Remove since I don't want the Email id linked to the domain name . The cart is being updated. Click on Remove since I don't want to purchase the personal website builder. It is saying that you can list your site in Google , Yahoo & Bing.

This would cost approx. Rs.128 Per month. This would increase the traffic on your site. Let me leave this for now .

This is our domain name & this is the ICANN fee that we need to pay. ICANN is the company that registers all the domain names. The total cost is approx. Rs.900 Click on Proceed to Checkout.

You need to enter your biling information here. Enter you first name, last name , company name , Email Address, Country , Address & Zip Code. You can enter you phone no. Here as well.

You need to enter your payment information here. You can use your credit/debit or prepaid card here. You can pay via Visa or MasterCard. Enter the Card no.

& Security code. Enter the card holder name & expiry date of the card. Let's select Net banking here Click on Continue Our billing and payment information is displayed here. You can't see it since I have masked it .

It is summarising the order information and telling us that we are purchasing the domain name videokaise.Com for 1 year at a cost of Rs. 889.61 Click on Place Your Order to confirm the order. It is notifying us that our order has been submitted. The order details & account information is also displayed.

Go to domains & click on Manage My Domains The domain name VideoKaise.Com is displayed here & it will be with me for the next one year . I have successfully purchased this domain name for 1 year. Now you can also register a domain name for your business or tuition center A good domain name helps to give a professional image to your business. If you liked the video please press the Like button in You Tube & share the video.

Subscribe to our You Tube channel to get regular updates on new videos. Keep Watching Kya Kaise & Keep Learning . Thank You.

Connect Your Domain to a WordPress WebsiteGoDaddy

Connect Your Domain
You have a great looking WordPress website,
and now youve registered the perfect domain name. Ready to connect them? This video explains how to connect, or forward,
your custom domain name to your WordPress website. If you used WordPress to create a free website, your web address includes the name you chose thats appended with .WordPress.Com. But if youve registered a custom domain
name with GoDaddy, why not use it for your WordPress website? When you set up forwarding on your domain, visitors who search for your domain or enter it in a web browser, will see your WordPress site.

Lets see how In your web browser, navigate to your WordPress website. Next, click in the address bar of your web browser, highlight the URL for your WordPress site and copy it to your clipboard. Now log into your GoDaddy account. On the Products page, find Domains, and to the right of it, click Manage.

On the Domains page, choose the domain name that you want to forward to your WordPress website, and click Use My Domain. In the domain connector, click Connect to an Existing Site. On the Destinations screen, under Websites, click WordPress. Click in the WordPress blog URL field, and paste in the text you copied to your clipboard.

When youre finished, click Next. This dialog box is just asking you to confirm that you want your GoDaddy domain name to forward to your WordPress website. To confirm, click Finish. Thats it! Now when anyone types your unique domain name into a browser, theyll see your WordPress website.

Try it out!.

Top 3 Best Web Hosting for WordPress (2016)

Top 3 Best Web Hosting for WordPress (2016)
- [Narrator] Are you looking to create your first website or blog with WordPress? As the most powerful website
platform on the planet, WordPress has allowed
millions of ordinary people to create amazing websites
with zero coding required. If you're looking to get started, you'll need a Web Host in
order to install WordPress, and in this video, I'll
reveal the top three best web hosts for WordPress beginners. After hands-on testing and comparison, we've determined that these
three popular web hosts are perfect for beginners
looking to get started with WordPress in a matter of minutes. Stay tuned to find out more.

(Tinkling chimes) Hey, what's up guys? ODI productions here
from How2MakeWebsite.Com, your number one online resource for building your very
first website or blog. So today, we have a
special comparison video where we'll be recommending
our top three picks for the best web hosts
for WordPress beginners. For those new to WordPress or
unfamiliar with web hosting, we're going to briefly
explain what a web host does and why you need one. So by now, you probably
heard that WordPress is a powerful content-management system used by top bloggers
and big websites alike, such as TechCrunch.Com.

Here at How2MakeWebsite.Com,
we stand behind WordPress as the best blogging
platform in the world, and we're committed to empowering others to create their own websites
easily and affordably. So how do you get started? Well, before you needed three things to get a WordPress website up and running, and these three things
were, one, a domain name such as How2MakeWebsite.Com,
two, a web host which allows you to install WordPress and store your information
live on the internet by renting you space on their web servers, and three, a manual installation
of the WordPress platform, downloaded from WordPress.Org. Before, you had to get
all three of these things and connect them all together manually, which can be a headache for most people with no web developing experience. Today, when you sign up for any of these recommended web hosts, you get all three bundled
together with no hassle or fuss.

So which three web hosts
do we recommend, you ask. Before we rank them individually,
our top three include bluehost, HostGator, and SiteGround. With each of these web hosts, we were able to sign up and build a WordPress website from scratch in just minutes. At this moment, we would also like to give an honorable mention to DreamHost, which is another
WordPress-recommended web host.

Now we're going to compare performance by running a website site speed test to see who's the fastest on
the basic shared server plan. The way we conducted this
test is by using a tool by the company Pingdom, which
preforms a website speed test based on performance,
optimization, and load times. Each website used the exact
same theme, header image, and then one blog post
with a single image. Also, we added the same
caching plug-in to each website to max out performance.

Here are the results. As you can see here,
each host scored the same performance grade of an 88, which means that our
websites are highly optimized by using the same theme
and caching plug-in. Now the difference is in load times, especially when compared
to all other sites tested. Comping in third, the
HostGator site loaded up in 1.9 Seconds, which is faster
than 74% of tested sites.

That's pretty solid performance for a basic shared server plan. In second, we have bluehost which loaded significantly
faster than HostGator with a load time of just 1.11 Seconds. This load time was quick
enough to be considered faster than 88% of tested sites. What surprised me the most
was SiteGround's performance, since SiteGround is a much smaller company than the giants bluehost and HostGator.

The SiteGround site loaded
up in under a second, at a blazing 769 milliseconds, which is faster than a
whopping 93% of tested sites. And all of this on the most
basic, shared server plan. So for performance, SiteGround
blazes past the competition with bluehost coming in
second, and HostGator third. Now that we know the performance numbers, next we're going to compare pricing, both normal and on sale,
to see which web host is actually the most
expensive, whether on sale or during regular pricing.

All plans we are looking at will be the most basic shared server plan, which is more than enough for beginners and comes WordPress-ready. PS: If you want access to
these special discounts, click the link to the Resource Page in the description below. For HostGator, regular
pricing without discounts starts at $8.95 Per month, which is a little bit on the pricier side. After applying discounts,
the current sale plan pricing starts as low as $3.95
For a three year plan, and $5.95 For a one year plan.

So less than $6 a month is
very fair for what you get. One last note about HostGator
is they do not offer a free domain upon registration. So that adds an extra
$12.95 To your total costs. For bluehost, regular pricing
without discount starts at $7.99 Per month, about a
dollar cheaper than HostGator.

After applying discounts,
the current sale pricing matches up with HostGator,
starting at $3.95 For a three year plan, and
$5.95 For a one year plan. The difference is that bluehost
includes your domain name free of charge with your
sign-up, about a $12 value. For our best performer SiteGround, regular pricing without discount starts at $9.94 Per month, which
is the most expensive out of the three, but you also
get the fastest performance. After applying discounts,
the current sale pricing drops by a whopping 60%
to only $3.95 Per month, and this $3.95 Rate applies
to one year plans as well.

On top of all that, you
also get a free domain name, just like bluehost. After reviewing the
pricing and performance, it's clear to see that SiteGround starts to pull away from the
competition based on value. Once again, make sure to
visit the Resource Page below to access the lowest prices
and best discounts available, updated daily on our site. Now, it's time to finally
rank our top three web hosts individually, by discussing
the benefits of each while factoring in the performance scores and pricing we just went over.

So coming in at third place is HostGator, which came in last in performance but ended up with the
highest cost after discounts. It's important to remember
that the HostGator site still loaded faster than
74% of tested sites, which is not slow by any means. This may seem like a disappointing finish, but remember, we're looking
at the top three web hosts for WordPress overall, so
HostGator is still a better choice than the hundreds of web hosts out there. The benefits of HostGator include: award-winning tech support
and server reliability with a 99.9% Uptime guarantee.

This basically means that
over the course of one year, your website may only be down for less than nine hours
total out of that entire year. This is a major key for a lot of people and one of the reasons why HostGator is up here with the best. WordPress 1-click install, this is one of the most important features for WordPress beginners,
as it allows you to install the WordPress platform onto your domain just minutes after signing up. If you're a beginner, this
is a must-have feature as it saves you the headache of having to install WordPress yourself.

Best of all, HostGator
features a generous 45-day money-back guarantee, longer than either bluehost or SiteGround. If you think HostGator is
the right web host for you, make sure to watch our step-by-step video on how we created this exact website just minutes after
signing up with HostGator. Coming in at number two is
the ever-popular bluehost. Along with HostGator,
bluehost is one of the most recognizable household names
in the web hosting market.

Chances are that the popular blog you like runs on either of these web hosts. Bluehost continues to
grow year after year, and is a fan favorite for newbie bloggers. Here are some of the benefits for beginners looking to use bluehost. You'll receive your domain
name completely free of charge for the first year, unlike
HostGator who charges $12.95.

Bluehost is the #1 recommended web host by the official WordPress website. It's also the most popular
choice for WordPress users, powering over two million websites. It includes WordPress 1-click install, and you get a 30 day money-back guarantee. If you think bluehost is
the right web host for you, make sure to watch our step-by-step video on how we created this exact website just minutes after
signing up with bluehost.

In a surprise finish,
coming in at number one is the underdog, SiteGround. What's not to love about SiteGround? They are a much smaller company than either bluehost or HostGator, but they scored the
fastest performance scores and lowest pricing after discounts. No doubt, the value here is exceptional. Now, SiteGround may not be
as much of a household name as the other two, but it
is one of the most popular web hosts for WordPress
users specifically, and is also an official
recommended web host on the WordPress website,
as you can see here, so it's not like they're unknown.

In recent years, SiteGround
has rapidly gained a huge and loyal following through their top-notch customer service, not to mention fantastic
performance and reliability for the money. Here are some of the
benefits for beginners looking to use SiteGround. An official
WordPress-recommended web host. You get your domain name
completely free of charge when signing up, just like bluehost.

WordPress 1-click install, and a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you think our winner siteground is the right web host for you, make sure to watch our step-by-step video on how we created this exact website just minutes after signing
up with SiteGround. So that wraps up our top
three recommendations for WordPress web hosting for beginners. Honestly, you can't go wrong with either of these top three picks.

The more important thing
is to just get started. Be sure to check out any
of these three videos which shows you how to get started with the web host of your choice. Also, if you want to get access to our special discounted pricing, click the link in the description below which will take you to our Resource Page with all of our available
web hosting discounts. We update this every day, so be sure to check it out often.

Last but not least, if you
found this video useful, please leave a thumbs up and a comment, because it really helps
the channel to grow. Also, subscribe for
more WordPress tutorials and videos just like this. If you made it to the end, thank you for watching this video, and I hope you have a
wonderful and productive day. (Lighthearted music).

Rabu, 25 April 2018

15 Most Expensive Domains Ever Sold

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The Difference Between a Domain Name and Web Hosting

The Difference Between a Domain Name and Web Hosting
Web hosting and domain hosting though closely related are two different services.  Web hosts provide content storage space and access for websites.  Domain hosts provide domain names which help visitors access your web content. If you think of an online store as a physical shop a web host provides the physical space where you lay the brick & mortar  and stock the shelves.

In this case its the text images videos graphics  and other content that build your site. When you build a site with Squarespace Squarespace is your web host.  We provide a place on the Internet to display your content in addition to providing tools for creating and managing that content.  Every Squarespace site is stored on our servers similar to how physical stores rent space in a mall.

A domain host provides a domain name like www.Yourdomain.Com And visitors can use that to find you. A domain name is like a street address that directs people to your website's location.  Examples of domain hosts are namecheap godaddy and hover. Of course you can register custom domains with Squarespace as well.

When you create a Squarespace site you're automatically assigned a built-in domain for example:  your-name.Squarespace.Com.  By registering a custom domain with Squarespace you can connect one or more custom domains to your site either through Squarespace or using a third-party provider. I hope that helped give you a better understanding of  Domain Hosts and Web Hosts But if you do have any other questions feel free to reach out and well be happy to assist!.

How to use a custom domain on your blog (2017)

How to use
Hi, I'm Guido, and this is 'How to use a custom domain name on your blogger.Com blog'. First, you'll have to register a domain name. I use Namecheap to register domain
names, so that's what I'll be using in this video. If you want to follow along with this video step-by-step, use Namecheap to register your domain name.

Go to Namecheap.Com, click the search bar, type the domain name you want to register, and click 'search'. It will not show all the available options;
the different top-level domains that are available for register. So, all of them seem to be available. I'm going with the .Xyz, as it's the cheapest, and this is just for demonstration purposes.

Click the 'Add to cart' button, and then click 'View cart'. Double-check the contents of your cart,
and then click 'Confirm order'. If you're new to Namecheap, then at this stage you'll have to create an account. If you already have an account, like me, you can start checking out.

There are multiple payment options. I'm going to use my account funds. Click 'Continue' And then click 'Pay now'. Okay, it's now processing your order.

Okay, it says 'Thank you for your purchase, which
means you now have registered your domain name. If you scroll down on this
page click the 'Manage'-button, you will be taken Leave this page open, and go to blogger.Com. Step 2: Add the domain name to your blog. On blogger.Com, find the blog you want to add the domain name to, and click the drop-down menu.

Click 'Settings'. Here, click the link that says 'Setup a 3rd party URL for your blog'. Now, add your domain name in the text bar, and start off with 'www'. Click the save-button.

You'll get an error message,
and it will show the information you need to be able to host your domain name on blogger.Com. Copy the first CNAME, which is ghs.Google.Com. Go back to the 'Modify domain' page on Namecheap, and click 'All host records'. Paste the 'ghs.Google.Com' in this text box.

Go back to blogger.Com, and copy the second line in 'Name label or host field'. Go back to Namecheap and paste it as a 'Host name'. Go back to blogger.Com again, and copy the second 'Destination'. Go back to Namecheap again, and copy it as an 'IP address / URL'.

Use the drop-down menu, and select 'CNAME (alias)'. For TTL just add '1800'. Scroll down and click 'Save Changes'. It'll now say 'Host records updated successfully'.

Go back to blogger.Com, ... Scroll down, and click 'Save'. At first, it might still give the error. It
might take awhile for the changes to take effect.

A few minutes later, just try again. And it's working! When trying to visit my blog now, you'll see you'll forward to your domain name. However, your blog might not show up yet. Again, this might take a few minutes.

And, that's it! You now have your own
blogger.Com blog, on your own domain name!.

3 Ways to Use a Domain NameGoDaddy

3 Ways to
Were gonna show you three ways that you can use your new domain name. Did you go with the classic .Com, or claim a sly new extension like .Guru? Either way, your domain name is a powerful little piece of text. Youve purchased the perfect domain name and you're ready to put it to work for you. The first way you can use your domain name is to create an email account.

Already have an email account? Most people do. Chances are sometime in past you signed up for a free email account. It was enough for keeping in touch with friends and creating your online dating profile. But now youre a grown-up; and you do grown-up stuff, like running your small business.

Isnt time to up your email game? You can use your domain name for a custom email address. Think about it; if you want your business to stand out from the crowd, which email address is going to get it noticed: the free one youve had since college, or the customized one that uses the name of your business. Using your domain name for your email address not only looks more professional, its a great way to promote your business! Customized email is great, but like most people, you probably got your domain name to create a website for it, which is the second thing you can do with your domain name. Using your domain name for a website gives
you a dedicated, branded space to introduce your business to anyone, anywhere, who can connect to the Internet.

Even better, your website will get your business
almost boundless marketing reach. People from Arizona to Zimbabwe will be able to can find you online with just a click of the mouse. But what happens if youre so busy running your business that you just cant find the time to build your website, or even find someone to do it for you. You might consider forwarding your domain name to somewhere else on the Web, until you get site up and running.

This is the third thing you can do with your domain
name. Confused? Let me explain. Its not uncommon for small businesses just starting out to create a Facebook business page. If you have a Facebook business page, or another social media account on the Internet, you can use your domain name to forward visitors to that page, until your website is up and running.

With forwarding in place, anyone who navigates to your domain name in their browser, will be automatically forwarded to a web page you currently have  like a Facebook business page. Clever, right? And there you have it. With all the power and potential your domain name has, why would you ever let it just sit there and collect dust. Use it for your email address, a new website, or to forward visitors to an existing website, but put it to work for you now!.

Selasa, 24 April 2018

How to Transfer a Domain to GoDaddyGoDaddy

How to Transfer
Welcome to How to transfer a domain to
GoDaddy Transferring a domain name isnt difficult,
but it does take some time and involves several steps. Keep in mind that you cant transfer a domain
for 60 days if you recently registered or transferred the domain, updated the Registrant
contacts organization, or updated the Registrant contacts first or last name when no organization
is listed. The transfer process covered in this video
is specific to moving your domain from another registrar to GoDaddy, and it applies to many
common domain extensions, including .Com, .Org, and .Net., And others. For other types of transfers and more details
about transferring domains, GoDaddy Help has a full set of articles you can read.

Just go to Help and type transfer domain
in the Search field. There are multiple steps in the domain name
transfer process. You start with your current registrar. Unlock the domain name you are going to transfer.

Then get an authorization code from your current
registrar. Some registrars call this code an EPP or transfer
key. Verify that the Administrative contacts
email address is correct for the domain. All communications about the transfer will
be sent to that email - except in Australia, where it is sent to the Registrant contacts
email address.

If your domain has Protected or Private registration,
youll need to cancel it. Now, on the GoDaddy website, purchase a domain
name transfer. Youll receive a prompt asking you to unlock
the domain  ignore it if youve already unlocked it. The same prompt includes a field to enter
the authorization code you obtained from the original registrar.

Enter the code and follow the prompts to check
out. Next, the Administrative contact, which may
be you, will receive an email from GoDaddy asking for approval to make the transfer. Clicking Approve in the email completes the
process. It can take 7 to 10 days for the transfer
to be finalized.

Thats it..

How to Purchase Hosting with Domain in UrduHindi

How to Purchase
Welcome to my channel ht Urdu. If you want to make a web site you need hosting and a domain. So now in this video we will learn about How to Purchase hosting and domain only in 13$ By using my trick with 100% proof Here we are going to show you that How you can buy hosting and domain just and only just in 13$ for one year with 100% proof Keep Watching this video.......... So lets start...

Please Subscribe to my channel for latest videos If you wants to know  how you can design a new web site visit our website www.Ilmdidunya.Com you can also find short link in description             You need to install Honey Extention in your browser     You need to install Honey Extention in your browser               Now Simply go to www.GoDaddy.Com       Go to Hosting option   Then click on Web-Hosting     Then click on Web-Hosting I recommendEconomy Hosting Plan   Select Economy Hosting Plan     many features are free here                           Select your domain                                   Select Your Hosting plan and Domain only for 12month (it should be only for 12month).                                   Apply Coupon Through Honey Extention.       Apply Coupon Through Honey Extention.     Apply Coupon Through Honey Extention.

           Apply Coupon Through Honey Extention.       If you don'thave GoDaddy account you must havetoCreate New Account       If you don'thave GoDaddy account you must havetoCreate New Account                                                                                                        .

Senin, 23 April 2018

How to Buy a Domain NameHow to Purchase a Domain

How to Buy
What is going on guys hey I wanted to show you how to purchase a domain name I know that sounds simple to some but some people don't know how to do it and that is why I'm making this video so it's very simple you can go to getanewdomain.Com okay getanewdomain.Com and it's going to pull you up here to Namecheap getanewdomain.Com all you're going to do is search for a domain that's relevant to what you want it to be so whether that be you sell cars you want a car... Let's see car sales boss dot-com look at its available car sales boss calm 1069 for the year okay the reason I. Recommend Namecheap is because they also offer WhoIs Guard for full-year protection for free and it protects your private information so people don't, you know you don't get a bunch of sales calls and sales emails and all that stuff when you purchase a domain name people try to sell you other services or their business and stuff like that anyway so this is available you can add to cart you can on and continue checkout and you can purchase it with PayPal or whatever so now I also have a youtube channel I. Just started so if you guys are watching this now I also have another video here how to mask or cloak affiliate link marketing links using Namecheap really good use of any link that you have but this is just to show you how to use Namecheap where we were just talking about buying the the domain name how you can use it to mask and cloak your links or affiliate link so after you get your domain name go to that other video here on my page on YouTube channel and subscribe check that video out it's going to show you what you need to do to to mask or cloak affiliate links to forward affiliate links it's going to show you how to forward email addresses so they look more professional with your dot-com at the end of it and I'm going to also show you how to make subdomains in that video as well so please check that out like I said subscribe or share this video or the next video that you watch share it with friends and family or coworkers or fellow entrepreneurs to you know if they if you think they can find this useful so car sales boss calm as of right now is available if that's something you were looking at I'm looking at getting social sales ninja so I can add that to my cart as well as how to use email autoresponders dot-com and online career group dot-com so I can hit view cart there's only one okay let me go back to namecheap let's see my cart will stay active I haven't...

This websites from like yesterday so it probably Auto refreshed and I lost it okay so yes I only have one item in my cart I'm going to put how to use email auto responders the reason I'm doing that is because that web domain is highly highly SEO. Friendly search engine optimization it's very SEO friendly how to use email autoresponders okay now I'm going to put a couple of words like target words keywords on the sales page and basically what it's going to do is redirect people to Aweber which is an autoresponder after they enter their information it's going to show a video about how useful Aweber is and it's going to direct them or redirect them to my affiliate link for aweber that's going to then get them to sign up when they do that I do make a little bit of a commission if you're interested in that stay tuned because I'm going to make a video about that so also hit on my on my channel subscribe and turn your notifications on so that you will get my videos and newest videos or get an alert for that so anyways domain name okay this how you purchase it how to use email autoresponders we've got that one add that to cart because if you look go here to move sign that's not Google haha Google.Com how to use email auto-responder okay this is what comes up right now there's 1.2 6 Million results so the goal is of course... You're probably not going to get up there with Aweber and these blogs and stuff like that but the goal is definitely to get up here somewhere you know and rank your page enough to where when people do search for that it will be found there's a lot of people believe it or not they'll go through you know multiple pages trying to find something that isn't on the top because some people just they just like using something that not everybody else uses but what's good is if you want your website name to be something relative or close to that you want it to have a lot of searches you want to have a lot of searches which this one are using all the responded I don't know why but now it's showing you 3.5 Million I don't think I changed anything so you want your web domain to also have something relative or close to that right? And you can go to Google Keyword planner and you can type that in too how to use email autoresponder you can check the average monthly searches for all the ideas which is one to ten million ok that's a lot so out of one to ten million monthly searches for something related to that you have a chance for your domain your page with your affiliate link to grow organically and make it up into this top pages and just have income on autopilot right so if you create some kind of page with an informational video showing people how to use autoresponders or how they can sign up with Aweber and how a weaver has free training on all this stuff and it ranks up here because you get a lot of traffic people start going in and opting in giving you their email address on your from your capture page then they end up going in signing up to Aweber through your affiliate link now a weber you get about five dollars and 60 cents per person that signs up underneath you as an affiliate so you gotta you guys have to recognize the power of that though whenever you get let's say in two years my...That site you know that i spent $10 on i spend $19 a month on aweber that i use for everything else and i spent $10 a years or 20 bucks you know 22 dollars from my website let's say in two years of thousand people sign up an extra fifty six hundred dollars a month right and that's just off of just taking a little bit of time putting stuff out there like this and spending a little bit of money very low maintenance and just putting it out there now you can do that 10 20 30 times I mean what's you know fifty six hundred by thirty you do the math you just have to have the good ideas if they have a relative content relative websites relative domain names and you have to have them SEO friendly and let them let them get ranked up but if you don't how to do that that's that's very easy to do I'm going to have another video actually that explains more of that but you can just see some of these keywords that you have to on your your sales page okay and so these keywords here on your sales page are going to help you out with your SEO. Ranking on these sites here okay ayane on google search results so yours could be up here eventually insist you know how how to use email autoresponders dot-com and write how to use email responders what is an email autoresponder you know have throw some of these keywords in there like autoresponders you use for email marketing or out of office email alright because you're throwing email marketing and out of office email in there which could collectively have anywhere from twenty to a hundred and one thousand monthly searches that's that's a lot guys that's a lot so if you definitely want to when you're buying and purchasing a domain name definitely want to find something that's relative and something that's that is going to rank high so online career group.Com and applying for that one to that one is also available come on anyway so little okay so right here is a review cart so this is $32 guys for a potential a chance as long as you put in the work let me make sure I.

Spelled all of these right social sales ninja how to use email autoresponders dot-com and online career group okay so you want to confirm your order (Sorry for the Pause!) Let's get this going I'm sorry guys let's get this going so I have a setup to use PayPal you can select other payment options you can use PayPal which I enjoy I really like it because I do as you saw earlier I do sell stuff on eBay as well and I just use the PayPal the profits from my eBay stuff to re-invest them into other opportunities like this okay and that's probably the best way to go about it you want to re-invest your money don't just blow it waste it so it's that simple guys and I really really recommend that you guys do stuff like this because ok so I just got my my notification showing that I spent money on PayPal now it's just here we go it's loading so it's purchasing my who is guard and processing all this data for my my domains ok now what I do want to show you too is like I said before go to go to my youtube channel like this video go to my channel subscribe to my channel watch my other video on how the mask and clothes affiliate marketing links watch that video and leave comments on both let me know what you think you know if this helped you as a this is definitely something so thank you for your purchase I'm done right boom I own these ok and what to do next with them is why you need to watch my other video so please watch my other video I'll put a link in the description as well so that you can find this easy but definitely watch it and it'll show you what to do next on now if you're watching this on a different sales page really page or something like that just hit next video and and you'll be able to see what I'm talking about that this is basically going to walk you through buying a domain name how to mask and cloak your affiliate marketing links and there is going to be more there are going to be more videos after this so please stay tuned like I said go to my YouTube channel and subscribe whatever you can to stay in connection with me in contact with me because I'm going to try and help you guys out a lot and provide you with some valuable information so please like I said share like subscribe and watch my other videos thank you.

How Much Does a Website CostGoDaddy

How Much Does
Wondering how to budget for your website? This video highlights options and costs for getting your business online. There are three basic things you need to
get an online presence: a domain name, a website, and a hosting account. The cost can range from a few dollars to thousands of dollars depending on the approach you and take your website needs. One approach is to buy an all-in-one bundle.

All-in-one bundles are usually based on a fixed-monthly or annual fee, and include a domain, a website development tool or service, and a hosting plan to get your site live on the web. On the flip-side is the 'a la carte' approach, where you purchase your website products individually from one or more providers. No matter your approach, be sure your budget includes a line item for ongoing website management and updates because as your business evolves and grows your site needs to keep pace. For a small business, the easiest, most economical way to get online is an all-in-one plan that includes a domain, a do-it-yourself website building tool, and hosting.

DIY website building tools are the least expensive way to create your site. These tools, such as GoDaddy's Website Builder and Online Store, are user-friendly, template-based tools that require no technical skills or coding experience. And for a jump start with either product, you can schedule a 30-minute, 'Get Started' phone consultation with a GoDaddy expert for around fifty dollars. Most companies that provide DIY website builders offer tiered-pricing plans, from free to around $300 per year.

Options that influence pricing can include the number and type of themes, the amount of bandwidth and disk space you get, and whether or not your site will be optimized for mobile devices and search engines. If building your own site isn't for you, or you need a complex or customized website, there's a large community of web professionals ready to help, including the experts at GoDaddy's Web Design Services. Again, pricing varies widely depending on the size of your site, and the features and functionality you need. But in general, a simple website can cost between $500 and $2,000.

If you hire a pro, be sure you are clear about what you're buying. Spend some time shopping around, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Does the fee include a domain and hosting,
or just website design? What will ongoing management and future updates cost, and who is responsible for that work? Before you spend a single dollar, take some time to think about how you want your site to look, what it should say, and how it should function. And consider how much time you can devote to developing and managing your site.

Hiring it out so you can focus on other parts of your business may be the best thing for your bottom line. By now you're realizing there's no simple answer to the question: how much does a website cost? Calculating a realistic budget starts with a clear vision for your site. This will pave the way to products and services that can deliver a website that drives business, at a price your business can afford!.

Minggu, 22 April 2018

How Do I Register a Domain

How Do I Register a Domain
You can register custom domain names through Squarespace. It doesnt matter if youre on a trial, a paid Squarespace plan, or havent even signed up yet!  All sites on annual billing plans include one free domain for the first year of service.  If you're not using an annual plan, or if you want to register multiple domains, you can purchase them for $20 to $70 per year.  To find your domain, visit domains.Squarespace.Com.

Search for the domain names you want, and add them to your cart.  Click Continue to Checkout, and you can then log into your Squarespace account,    or create an account if you dont have one yet.  If you have multiple sites, youll have the option to choose which site the domain is assigned to, followed by two short forms to fill in basic registration and payment information. Before you check out, review this information carefully.

Though it is required, your information is private and we will not share it on public records. Domain privacy is included with all Squarespace Domains. If you have any questions, please let us know. Were always here to help!.