Sabtu, 05 Mei 2018

What is the domain of a functionFunctionsAlgebra IKhan Academy

What is the
Let's have a little bit of a review of what
a function is before we talk about what it means that what the domain of a function means.
So function we can view as something -- so I put a function in this box
here and it takes inputs, and for a given input, it's going to
produce an output which we call f of x. So, for example, let's say that
we have the function -- let's say we have the function f of x is equal to 2 over x. So in this case if -- let me see -- that's my function f. If I were to input the number 3.

Well, f of 3 that we're going to output -- we have, we
know how to figure that out. We've defined it right over here. It's going to be
equal to 2 over 3. It's going to be equal to 2 over 3.

So we're able, for that input, we're
able to find an output. If our input was pi, then we input into our function and then
f of pi -- when x is pi, we're going to output
f of pi, which is equal to 2 over pi. So we
could write this as 2 over pi. We're able to find the output
pretty easily.

But I want to do something interesting. Let's attempt to input 0 into the function. If we input 0 then
the function tells us what we need to output. Does this
definition tell us what we need to output? So if I attempt to put x equal 0, then this
definition would say f of 0 be 2 over 0, but 2 over 0 is

Rewrite this -- 2 over 0. This is undefined.
This function definition does not tell us what to actually do with 0. It gives us an
undefined answer. So this function is not defined here.
It gives a question mark.

So this gets to the essence of what domain is. Domain is the set of all inputs over
which the function is defined. So the domain of this
function f would be all real numbers except for x equals 0. So we write down these, these big ideas.
This is the domain -- the domain of a function -- Actually let me write that out.

The domain of a function A domain of a function is the set of all inputs -- inputs over which the function is defined -- over which the function is defined,
or the function has defined outputs over which the function has defined outputs. So the domain for this f
in particular -- so the domain for this one  -- if I want
to say its domain, I could say, look, it's going to
be the set of these curly brackets. These are kind of typical mathy set notation. I said OK
, it could be the set of -- I gonna put curly brackets like that.

Well, x can be a
member So this little symbol means a
member of the real numbers. But it can't be any real number. It could be most of the real numbers except it
cannot be 0 because we don't know -- this definition is undefined when
you put the input as 0 So x is a member of the real numbers,
and we write real numbers -- we write it with this kind of double stroke right over here.
That's the set of all real numbers such that -- we have to put
the exception. 0 Is not a -- x equals to 0 is not a member of that
domain -- such that x does not -- does not equal 0.

Now let's make this a little bit
more concrete by do some more examples So more examples we do, hopefully the clearer this will become.
So let's say we have another function. Just be clear, we don't
always have to use f's and x's. We could say, let's say we
have g of y is equal to the square root of y minus 6. So what is the domain here? What is the set of all inputs over which this function g
is defined? So here we are in putting a y it to function g and we're gonna output g of y.

Well it's going to be defined
as long as whatever we have under the radical right over here is non-negative. If this becomes a
negative, our traditional principal root operator here is not defined. We need something that --
if this was a negative number, how would you take the principal
root of a negative number? We just think this is kind of the the
traditional principal root operator. So y minus 6, y minus 6 needs to be greater than or equal to 0, in order for, in order for g
to be defined for that input y.

Or you could say add six to both sides.
Y is to be greater than or equal 6. Or you could say g is defined for any inputs
y that are greater than or equal to 6. So you could say the domain here, we
could say the domain here is the set of all y's that are members of
the real numbers such that y, such that they're also
greater than or equal, such that they're also greater than or equal to 6. So hopefully
this is starting to make some sense -- You're all used to a function that is
defined this way.

You could even see functions that are divided fairly exotic ways. You could see a
function -- let me say h of x -- h of x could be defined as -- it literally
could be defined as, well h of x is gonna be 1 if x is equal to pi and it's equal to 0 if, if, x is equal to 3. Now what's the domain
here? And I encourage you to pause the video and think about it. Well, this function is actually only
defined for two input.

If you, we know h of -- we know h of pi --
if you input pi into it we know you're gonna output 1, and
we know that if you input 3 into it h of 3, when x equals 3, you're going to
-- you're going to -- put some commas here. You're gonna get 0.
But if you input anything else, what's h of 4 going to be? Well, it hasn't defined. It's undefined.
What's h of negative 1 going to be? It hasn't defined. So the domain, the domain here, the domain of h is literally -- it's just literally
going to be the the two valid inputs that x can be are 3 and pi.

These are the only valid inputs.
These are the only two numbers over which this function is actually defined.
So this hopefully starts to give you a flavor of why we care about to the domain.
It's not all functions are defined over all real numbers. Some are defined
for only a small subset of real numbers, or for some other
thing, or only whole numbers, or natural numbers, or positive numbers, and negative
numbers. So they have exceptions. So we'll see that as we do
more and more examples..

What Is The Difference Between A Domain Name And A WebsiteGoDaddy

What Is The
Hi there. In this video, you'll learn the difference between a domain and a website. While domains and websites are closely connected, they are two very different things. After registering a domain, you need to do something with it, put it to work for you.

Your domain can be used for a website, for an email account, or for both. You can, however, register a domain and choose NOT to use it for a website or an email account, BUT you can't have a website or an email account without a domain. When used for a website, your domain name is what people type into their browser to find your site  this is why they are sometimes referred to as web addresses. So godaddy.Com is the domain used for GoDaddy's website.

Registering a domain, however, doesn't automatically create a website  it only means that you've registered the domain. So for example, if you decided to start your own business and you thought of great name for it, you might copyright the name to protect it. However, simply giving your business a name is only one of many steps that go into building your business. In the same manner, when you register a domain and want to use it for a website, you'll need to first build the website, and then find a host for it, so it can be visible on the Web.

What's a host? Website hosts are companies that house, serve, and maintain files for one or more websites. Think of a website hosting company like a shopping center that contains several individual stores. If you want to open a store at the shopping center, you can lease space and set up shop. Just like a shopping center, website hosting companies enable you to lease space on their web servers, where you can store your website files and make them available for visitors to view.

Because you've registered your domain, you can use it at any web hosting company you want. Remember your store in the shopping center? Suppose you decided to move your store and lease space at a different shopping center. If you packed up your products and moved to a new location, you would still be able to use the same name for your store. The same is true for your domain  regardless of where you decided to host your website's files, your domain remains yours for the duration of your registration.

GoDaddy is both a domain registrar AND a website hosting company  and we have the tools to help you build your website. This means you can register your domain name, build a website for it, and get it on the web  all in one place! Do you already have a domain name? Don't just let it sit there; do something with it!.

Jumat, 04 Mei 2018

What Is A Domain NameGoDaddy

What Is A
Hi there. In this video, youll learn what a domain name is and how they work. Domain names were created to make IP, or Internet Protocol, addresses more human-friendly. An IP address is a unique set of numbers that is assigned to every computer on the Internet.

Think of IP addresses like street addresses  they identify where a computer is located on the Internet and help route information so that it can easily travel between computers. But IP addresses, like this one, don't exactly roll of your tongue, do they? And then just imagine having to memorize such a string of seemingly random numbers for every single website you wanted to find on the Internet. If only there was an easier way actually, there is. While computers require IP addresses to locate one another, we humans can use domain names.

The Domain Name System, or DNS, takes domain names, the kind of web addresses that people understand like goddaddy.Com and translates them into IP addresses that computers need to communicate. So instead of having to remember, You can simply remember godaddy.Com. Much easier, right? When visitors enter your domain name into a Web browser, the browser uses your domain name to find the correct IP address and, in turn, passes back the website associated with that IP address. Think of this way; your domain name functions like the contacts you store in your mobile phone.

When you touch the name of a contact that's stored in your mobile phone, your mobile phone automatically dials the number you've saved for that contact. You don't need to know where the person you're calling is located, and you don't need to even enter their specific phone number. All you do is touch the contact and mobile phone does the rest. Remember, domain names provide you with a simple, human-friendly way to locate websites on the Internet..

Kamis, 03 Mei 2018

What is a Domain Name How to register a Domain Name Domain Name kya hai, kaise register kare

What is a
What is a domain name ? How to register a domain name ? In this video we shall learn about domain names. What is a domain name ? How many kinds of domain names are there? How to choose a good domain name ? How to register a domain name ? Hello. My name is Aekta. What is a domain name ? A domain name helps us reach an IP address.

If I say Rashtrapati Bhawan , you will understand that  I mean Prakash Vir Shastri Avenue New Delhi. If I give you an IP address , you may possibly not remember it . If I tell you my domain name - KyaKaise.Com , you will be easily able to reach my web address. A domain name helps you to reach a website without knowing the IP address.

How many kinds of domain names are there? The main top level domain names are .Com for companies, .Net fot network , .Org for organizations .Edu for schools or colleges & .Gov for government websites. In India you will also find domain names ending in .Co.In & .In as well. It is important that you choose a good domain name for your website. Choose a domain name that is short & easy to remember Which has some originality & is easy to spell.

Let's see how to register a domain name . There are a no. Of websites where you can register a domain name. In this video I will tell you about Go Daddy.

There is a link in the description of this video below. Click on this to go to Go Daddy. The Go Daddy site is open . If you are coming here for the first time you will need to register & create a new account here.

Once you have completed the registration or if you are returning to the site you can click on Sign In. Click on Register to open a new account. Click on Create My Account . Fill the various fields.

Enter the email address & choose the username. Choose a password. It is telling us that the password should be 9 characters long and must contain an upper case letter & no. Let's choose a new password.

Now you need to choose a 4 digit call in PIN. If you need to call customer service for any issues you will need to give them the 4 digit PIN. It is asking you not to choose a sequential PIN such as 1234 or 1111. Choose a PIN which is easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.

Let's choose a PIN. Choose a PIN & click on Create Account. Now I am inside the Go Daddy site. There is an alert & it is asking me to update my profile in 30 secs.

Choose I own a business or non-profit for what best describes you & click Next. Choose Educational Services for  the question "Which best describes your business". Let's quickly finish this 4-5 question survey I have completed the short survey . I am logged in the Go Daddy site.

Click on the + icon. It is informing us that we don't have any domains. Click on the link which says Get One Now. You are directed to a new page.

You can search for the availability of a domain name here. You can check if the domain name that you want is available or not. Let's enter KYAKAISE.COM & click Search Domain I have already registered this domain name so it is not available. If someone else tries to register this domain name they will get this message.

However a no. Of alternate options are given below. Such as kyakaise.Guru, kyakaiseonline.Com, kyakaisenow.Com, kyakaisegroup.Com etc. However the intention is not to copy Kya Kaise.

We want to create a completely new domain name. Let's search for a new domain name - Type Video.Com in the search bar & click Search again. Video.Com is not available. Let's search for videoclass.Com & click search again.

Even videoclass.Com is not available. I am trying to create a new website where I will teach about videos. Let's type VIDEOKAISE.COM & click Search Again. This domain name is available.

It is telling us that normally this domain name costs Rs959 but if you register for 2 years or more the first year price is only Rs.189. Since there is a sale going on you can get this domain name cheaper. Click on Continue to Cart. This domain name has been added to our cart.

You have a few options here . In the first step you can protect your personal information. If you purchase this , no one will be able to know who owns this domain name. There are a no.

Of bots on the internet who spam your email id. This privacy option can help protect against that. However this is optional & you can purchase it or you can choose to proceed by clicking No Thanks . I will purchase the privacy protection which costs approx.

Rs.500. Next you can purchase the website builder & hosting or you can purchase the hosting separately. However I don't need these . Next you can add an email address for your business.

The email address will be aekta@videokaise.Com Since I have chosen the domain name to be videokaise.Com it will combine my name with the domain name to create an email address. You can add your name to the domain name to create the new email address. It costs Rs.200 Per month to create the email address. I don't need it at this time so I will click on No Thanks Click on Continue to Cart.

Click on the shopping cart icon on top which says checkout now . We are in the shopping cart now. You can choose for what duration you want this domain name . You can choose to purchase the domain name for 1, 2 , 3 , 5 or 10 years .

For now I will choose 1 year only. It will cost me Rs. 589 For 1 year. You can keep your domain name private or public.

If you keep this public , your personal information will be visible on the domain name. I will keep this as private. It is asking me if I also want to purchase videokaise.Net, videokaise.Co or videokaise.Info. However I don't want to purchase any of these matching domain names.

Click on Remove since I don't want the Email id linked to the domain name . The cart is being updated. Click on Remove since I don't want to purchase the personal website builder. It is saying that you can list your site in Google , Yahoo & Bing.

This would cost approx. Rs.128 Per month. This would increase the traffic on your site. Let me leave this for now .

This is our domain name & this is the ICANN fee that we need to pay. ICANN is the company that registers all the domain names. The total cost is approx. Rs.900 Click on Proceed to Checkout.

You need to enter your biling information here. Enter you first name, last name , company name , Email Address, Country , Address & Zip Code. You can enter you phone no. Here as well.

You need to enter your payment information here. You can use your credit/debit or prepaid card here. You can pay via Visa or MasterCard. Enter the Card no.

& Security code. Enter the card holder name & expiry date of the card. Let's select Net banking here Click on Continue Our billing and payment information is displayed here. You can't see it since I have masked it .

It is summarising the order information and telling us that we are purchasing the domain name videokaise.Com for 1 year at a cost of Rs. 889.61 Click on Place Your Order to confirm the order. It is notifying us that our order has been submitted. The order details & account information is also displayed.

Go to domains & click on Manage My Domains The domain name VideoKaise.Com is displayed here & it will be with me for the next one year . I have successfully purchased this domain name for 1 year. Now you can also register a domain name for your business or tuition center A good domain name helps to give a professional image to your business. If you liked the video please press the Like button in You Tube & share the video.

Subscribe to our You Tube channel to get regular updates on new videos. Keep Watching Kya Kaise & Keep Learning . Thank You.

The Three Domains of Life

The Three Domains of Life
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\pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\pardirnatural \f0\fs28 \cf0 Hi. It's Mr. Andersen and in
this podcast I'm going to talk about life. I'm actually going to talk about a lot about

Because this is the first in a series of podcasts I'll call life on earth where
I'm going to talk about the diversity of life on our planet. In this one we're going to
talk about the general characteristics of life and the three domains of life. But in
each of the subsequent podcasts we'll talk about viruses and fungi and plants and animals
and vertebrates and invertebrates. And so let's get started.

And so let's start with
the history of life on our planet. So if the earth formed about 4.6 Billion years ago,
life pretty much shows up when the crust starts to cool. So life actually could exist then
it does. First life on our planet is single cell.

These are some of the most ancient fossils
on our planet. These are actually stromatolites. And these would be some modern day stromatolites.
Remember life on our planet, first life, had to be underneath the ocean because there was
so much UV radiation. Until we had an atmosphere life had to be underneath the water.

But basically
it's single cell, prokaryotic life. We have photosynthesis show up. And so oxygen starts
to accumulate. Then eukaryotic life, multicellular life, like 1 billion years ago.

And then all
the things we think of as life. Like animals, plants, dinosaurs, flowers, those things show
up fairly recently in the evolutionary history of life on our planet. And so there are some
characteristics that all life shares. In other words if you don't have all seven of these,
then you're not alive.

And so first one is homeostasis. Basically you can maintain a
stable internal environment. And we do that through the use of mostly negative feedback
loops. You have to be organized.

We go all the way from atoms and molecules all the way
up to the level of biosphere when we're talking about biology. But there's organization. Most
life, in fact all life, is built on cells. Next you have to have metabolism.

That's the
sum of all chemical reactions you have inside that allows you to harness the energy or the
free energy available to live. You have to get bigger, grow, develop. You have to be
able to evolve or adapt over time. You have to be able to respond to your environment.
And then you have to be able to reproduce.

Either sexually or asexually. And so if we
were to play the quick alive or not alive game, is bamboo alive? Yes. Is a panda bear
alive? Yes. Is lightning alive? No.

Is a stomach alive? No. It's not. It's part of a living
thing, so it's not able to adapt or reproduce on its own. It's just part of a living thing.
And so when we're talking about life, we're not generally talking about viruses.

We call
these things non-cellular replicators. And so they're not classified as life. Now can
they evolve and change over time? For sure. But they do that, here's some bacteriophages
injecting their DNA into a bacteria.

They do that by using other cells to do the hard
work. Or to do the growth from them. And so when we look at life we classify life into
one of three domains. And so this right here would be the last universal common ancestor.
So that would be LUCA right here.

In other words this right here would be the ancestor
that is shared by all life on our planet. And so basically it's broken down into three
domains. We've got bacteria. So something like e.

Coli. We're going to have archaea
bacteria. That's going to be ancient bacteria. Things that would live like in the hot pots
of Yellowstone Park.

And then we have eukaryotic life. An example of that would be animals,
fungi and plants. And so why do we classify life into these three domains? Because we
really started doing that, you know, just in the last 30 years did we come up with this.
And so basically let's look at a venn diagram. This is a venn diagram right here.

This would
be the eukaryotic cells right here. This would be the bacteria cells in here. And this would
be the archaea bacteria in here. And so first let's talk about what's in the middle.

some characteristics that are shared by all life on our planet? Well, like we said they're
made up of cells. They've got some kind of genetic material. So they have DNA and they
use RNA to do their work. What else do they have? They're going to have a membrane around
the outside.

A cell membrane or a plasma membrane. What else do they have? They're going to have
ribosomes because they have to actually make a living. So they're going to have to actually
use this DNA to make proteins. And then they're going to have some kind of a cytosol or cytoplasm.
So all life on our planet shares all of this.

But they don't share all the characteristics.
So if we were to look at this, what is something eukaryotic life have, up here, that bacteria
and archaea bacteria don't? Well they're going to have a nucleus. That's where the name comes
from. What else are they going to have? They're going to have organelles. Now are all of these
multicellular? Not necessarily up here.

But they're definitely going to have a nucleus
and organelles. If we look down here at bacteria, what's something that bacteria have that neither
of the other two have? Well just one thing to quickly get started, they have what's called
peptidoglycan. So they have a chemical in a bacteria, so if this is a bacteria, they'll
have their DNA right here in a circle. They're basically going to have a chemical that makes
up the cell wall around the outside.

And that's made up of a chemical called peptidoglycan.
Luckily they have peptidoglycan because we can use antibiotics to actually kill them.
If we look over here at archaea bacteria, we classify them with the bacteria in a group
called monerans for a long period of time. But basically we realized that they don't
have peptidoglycan. And they've got differences that make them their own domain. And so one
thing that you probably are familiar with is that archaea bacteria live in incredibly
harsh environments.

But you probably didn't know is that they have the characteristic
that makes them much different. So if we were to look at their membranes. This is going
to be a phospholipid. So if this is a phospholipid in a typical eukaryotic cell.

So like this.
Remember our membrane is made up of a phospholipid bilayer. So it's going to be a number of these
repeated over and over and over again. If you were to look at it in a eukaryotic or
bacterial cell it's going to look just like that. But if we were to look at it in, let's
find a different color, in an archaea bacteria, their's looks way different.

So they're going
to have not only these hydrocarbon tails, but they're going to have branched hydrocarbon
tails. So they're going to branch off like that. And they also sometimes will form, so
if this is the other side, they'll actually attach on either side like that and they'll
form just a monolayer. So it's going to be attached all the way across.

And so this is
going to be a characteristic that just archaea have. Why do they have a membrane that looks
like that? Well if they live in a harsh environment, that allows their membrane to kind of stay
attached together when the temperature gets really high or the pH changes radically. And
so basically what scientists did is they looked at all the characteristics of archaea, bacteria
and eukaryea and they found that there's a whole heck of a lot more in this area, things
that are shared by eukaryotes and archaea and not shared by bacteria and archaea. And
so we ended up classifying us more related to archaea bacteria then them.

And so that's
basically our three domains. But now we're going to kind of work into more detail in
each of these different groups. And we're going to spend a lot of time in the eukaryotes
because that's what we are. And so that's the first start.

That's life. And I hope that's

Rabu, 02 Mei 2018

Investing in Domain Names How Much Can You Make

Investing in Domain Names How Much Can You Make
People often ask me why I invest in domain
names. Here's why. It's easy to throw up a list of the top 100
domain names sold and be amazed and the sales prices, but domains like Insurance.Com, Hotels.Com
and Toys.Com selling for multiple millions of dollars are not representative of investing
today -- because many of these domains were hand registered in the 1990s and held by the
initial owners for decades. So in this video, I'm going to show you what
sales ARE representative of domain name investing TODAY.

The domains I'll show you are hand-selected
by me from reams of sales data because I think they were good domain names investments with
commercial appeal to businesses. If I'm going to buy physical land, I don't
want to buy it in the middle of the dessert. I want to buy appreciating land close to cities
and people, where it's desirable. Same for domain names.

So for each domain name, I'll tell you when
it was bought and sold, the purchase and sale price, and the profit and return on investment. All the data in this video is from 2011 to
2017. Past performance is not indicative of future
results, and I am not making investment recommendations. And before we jump into the data, special
thanks to Michael Sumner and NameBio.Com for pulling data and supporting our analysis in
this video.

There are six major categories of domain names
you can invest in: 1. Generic words 2. Keywords 3. Brandables 4.

Acronyms 5. Numerics 6. Alphanumerics Investing in any of these six types of doman
names requires knowledge, skill and practice. But once you know what is selling in each
category, you can then wait for opportunities to cross your path and be a sniper...Picking
off exactly the types of domain names you want at prices you know are under market value.

So let's look at a few representative sales
from each category. Generic words are in the dictionary, but have
no direct product or service. Think Amazon.Com or Apple.Com. Without their marketing efforts you may not
know what you would find at their websites, but once a brand is built it can be stronger
than Fort Knox.

Here are some recent representative generic
word domain name sales: xylem.Com $3,400 2/24/10 NameJet $47,100 8/5/13
Afternic $43,700 1285 3.4 Tempt.Com $7,700 1/7/13 Sedo $20,000 4/17/13
DomainShop.Us $12,300 160 0.3 Pedal.Com $8,100 8/9/11 Sedo $25,000 11/16/15
Flippa $16,900 209 4.2 Let.Com $15,000 8/23/11 Sedo $100,000 2/22/12
Afternic $85,000 567 0.5 Mind.Com $46,000 4/7/11 Sedo $171,600 4/13/11
Sedo $125,600 273 0.0 But it's not just .Com domains that sell... Ground.Net $530 1/20/11 SnapNames $6,999 9/3/14
Uniregistry $6,469 1221 3.6 Nerd.Org $1,744 10/27/16 Sedo $8,999 12/8/16
Flippa $7,255 416 0.1 And ccTLDs do well too... Awesome.De $1,368 6/29/11 Sedo $10,000 6/11/14
GoDaddy $8,632 631 2.9 Designer.Io $1,600 11/25/16 Flippa $4,999
12/14/16 Flippa $3,399 212 0.1 Angel.In $1,750 4/25/12 Sedo $30,000 11/12/14
Sedo $28,250 1614 2.5 Welcome.Co.Uk $2,500 8/23/11 Sedo $14,191
6/14/16 Sedo $11,691 468 4.7 Let's turn our attention from generic words to keywords... Keyword domain names are in the dictionary
and can be associated with a product or service.

Think Shoes.Com or EmergencyShelter.Com. You know exactly what you're going to find
when you visit those domain names. Here are some recent representative keyword
domain name sales: forauction.Com $151 9/2/15 GoDaddy $3,350
9/2/16 GoDaddy $3,199 2119 1.0 Lotteryservice.Com $230 2/16/16 DropCatch
$7,000 3/2/16 Sedo $6,770 2943 0.0 Urbankitchens.Com $309 6/14/14 NameJet $2,950
2/3/16 BuyDomains $2,641 855 1.6 Baltimoremagazine.Com $601 3/1/16 GoDaddy
$3,500 6/9/16 Uniregistry $2,899 482 0.3 Apartmentslondon.Com $1,050 10/6/15 SnapNames
$3,800 3/8/17 NameJet $2,750 262 forexaccount.Com $7,605 9/29/16 DropCatch
$55,000 1/23/17 NamesCon $47,395 623 0.3 Some non-.Com domain name sales include... Storelocator.Net $304 2/23/13 GoDaddy $5,000
11/12/14 Sedo $4,696 1545 1.7 Thefoundation.Org $360 10/13/12 NameJet $5,000
1/14/15 Sedo $4,640 1289 2.2 Luxurylodges.Co.Uk $1,268 8/6/14 Sedo $8,965
9/10/14 Sedo $7,697 607 0.1 Lampara.Es $1,560 9/26/12 Sedo $37,989 12/5/16
Sedo $36,429 2335 4.1 Let's take a look at some brandable domain
name sales...

Brandable domain names are usually a mix of
words plus something else, like a modifier or adjective. Think Facebook.Com or Instagram.Com. You might have an idea what they do, but brandables
require a company to build a brand. Here are some recent representative brandable
domain name sales: earthhero.Com $121 3/14/15 GoDaddy $5,000
3/16/16 Sedo $4,879 4032 1.0 Nymble.Com $341 6/21/15 GoDaddy $7,000 11/4/15
Uniregistry $6,659 1953 0.4 Neverfail.Com $2,900 2/20/15 NameJet $150,000
3/30/16 Uniregistry $147,100 5072 1.1 Payrocket.Com $1,000 8/7/15 Sedo $4,246 8/27/16
NameJet $3,246 325 1.0 Convertly.Com $610 4/20/16 GoDaddy $6,000
2/15/17 Flippa $5,390 Let's turn our attention from brandables to

Acronyms are simply a series of letters. The shorter the better. For example, Z.Com is worth more than ZZ.Com,
which is worth more than ZZZ.Com. Tons of companies like law firms would rather
use a shorter acronym for their company website and email addresses.

Think International Business Machines using
IBM.Com or Google rebranding their holding company to Alphabet and choosing ABC.Xyz. Here are some recent representative acronym
domain name sales: lcgp.Com $169 3/20/13 GoDaddy $4,088 2/9/14
Afternic $3,919 2319 0.9 Jphl.Com $459 8/11/15 NameJet $3,100 12/24/15
NameJet $2,641 575 0.4 Cfcu.Com $929 10/17/15 NameJet $8,500 6/17/16
Sedo $7,571 815 0.7 Hyfy.Com $904 12/16/13 SnapNames $20,000 12/14/15
Uniregistry $19,096 2112 2.0 Rhmf.Com $1,525 12/8/16 Sedo $9,900 2/23/17
Sedo $8,375 549 0.2 Tcp.Com $18,500 12/20/11 Sedo $133,000 12/19/16
Sedo $114,500 619 4.9 Some non-.Com acronym sales include... Opex.Net $155 8/5/14 GoDaddy $4,500 9/22/15
Sedo $4,345 2803 1.1 Btr.Org $475 1/19/10 SnapNames $3,750 10/25/16
Sedo $3,275 689 6.7 Acm.Com.Au $334 3/3/11 NetFleet $8,041 6/19/13
NetFleet $7,707 2307 2.3 2-3 Com.Au hb.De $5,100 1/10/11 Sedo $34,320 4/11/12
Sedo $29,220 573 1.2 Jt.Tv $525 3/24/11 SnapNames $6,100 10/19/15
NameJet $5,575 1062 4.5 Let's look at some numeric domain name sales... Numerics are a simply a series of numbers.

Numerology is a cornerstone of many cultures
around the world. In addition, in some non-English languages,
navigating the web is easier only using numbers. Think 123.Com or the mega-popular Chinese
website, 360.Cn. Here are some recent representative numeric
domain name sales: 5924.Com $2,252 2/2/14 Afternic $8,000 12/9/14
NameJet $5,748 255 0.8 33512.Com $107 1/2/14 GoDaddy $3,251 12/30/15
4.CN $3,144 2938 2.0 6105.Com $3,462 11/6/13 Sedo $9,000 3/26/15
NameJet $5,538 160 1.4 And in the non-.Com sales, we can see...

8878.Net $1,075 6/5/14 GoDaddy $14,926 6/5/16
GoDaddy $13,851 1288 2.0 1.Gg $1,007 11/23/11 Sedo $7,655 1/3/16 Sedo
$6,648 660 4.1 9.Pe $2,094 7/9/15 4.CN $5,862 1/16/16 4.CN
$3,768 180 0.5 24.Tv $4,500 1/21/11 Sedo $28,342 9/10/15
4.CN $23,842 530 4.6 And finally, let's look at some alphanumeric
domain name sales... Alphanumerics are mixed letters and numbers,
and while they're definitely less popular than acronyms and numerics, we are seeing
investment and sales in this space as well. Here are some recent representative alphanumeric
domain name sales: 6t.Com $8,200 1/7/11 Sedo $12,874 1/19/11
Sedo $4,674 57 33y.Com $1,064 11/24/15 Sedo $5,700 12/7/15
Sedo $4,636 436 hr4.Com $780 11/25/15 GoDaddy $5,400 6/1/16
Sedo $4,620 592 bt88.Com $2,025 3/29/16 GoDaddy $5,000 10/18/16
Sedo $2,975 147 And in the non-.Com
space... Mp3.Co $4,657 3/23/11 Sedo $9,525 10/15/14
Sedo $4,868 105 3.5 N1.De $2,900 1/8/11 Sedo $12,330 3/2/11 Sedo
$9,430 325 0.1 K6.Io $104 6/22/16 Park.Io $3,000 1/3/17 TLDPros.Com
$2,896 2785 0.5 So we can see that in all six types of doman
names, making smart investments in under-market value domain names -- or holding domain names
and waiting for appreciation -- can yield tremendous results.

Buying a domain name for $100 and selling
it for $2,000 after a couple of years, generating a 20x or 2,000 percent return on investment
is normal. But you have to be Again, investing in any of these six types
of doman names requires knowledge, skill and practice. Thanks for watching..

Selasa, 01 Mei 2018

How To Use A Domain To Create A New WebsiteGoDaddy

How To Use
You found a great domain name and registered
it. Now what? How about using it to create a new website? Dont worry; its easier than it sounds. GoDaddy offers an all-in-one solution to help you build a website or online store. It includes hosting to make your site visible
and functional on the internet, and an SSL certificate that protects
the data flowing to and from your site.

SSL encryption is especially important if
youre going to sell products from your site. To start, log in to your GoDaddy account and navigate to your Products page. If your domain name appears in a view similar to this, click Manage and then click Use My Domain. If it appears like this, simply click Use My Domain.

Click Build. GoCentral Website Builder and GoCentral Online Store are both online website design applications that enable you to create a website  without any technical skills or coding experience. Website Builder is the way to go for creating a basic online presence for your business, or even just to provide info about your business  like what you do, who you are, and how to
contact you, among other things. If you want to sell products or services on
your website, Online Store is the best choice.

You get all the same features and functionality
as Website Builder, plus specially designed storefront and product pages, an integrated shopping cart, customer payment processing, shipping options  everything you need to sell online. Once you click the type of site you want,
youll be in the site building tool. Click around to get familiar with the tool,
then get creative and have fun. You cant break anything! Once you click Publish, your site is live
on the internet.

Dont worry if its not perfect. You can make improvements and updates to your
site any time you want, as often as you want. Just remember to click Publish to add the
changes to your live site. Yes, its that easy! Are you ready to put your domain to work as a website? Website Builder and Online Store make it easy to get your online presence up and running in no time..

How to Choose a Great Domain NameGoDaddy

How to Choose
Welcome to How to choose a great domain
name Your domain name is a critical part of your
online identity. As your unique internet address, it can help
put you on the fast track to business success  or be a stumbling block to reaching your
goals. So knowing what makes for a good domain name
matters. For starters, keep it short and relevant to
your business.

A name thats easy to spell and type is
a bonus. For instance, if your business is cleaning
windows, youll want your domain name to include the keywords window and cleaning
or clean- because those are the words people will search when they need your service. Numbers, whether spelled out or as digits,
and dashes can create confusion. Avoid forcing customers into mental gymnastics
trying to recall your online address.

The domain bestwindowcleaning.Com, three
short words, is way easier to remember and type than number1-windowcleaning-4u.Com For local businesses, including your city,
state, or region in your domain helps your customers find you faster. For example, seattlewindowcleaning.Com is
more targeted than bestwindowcleaning.Com. Now for the extension thats the part
of the domain name following the dot. If you can get .Com, go for it.

Its the most widely used extension, but
its also been around so long that getting a short, memorable name that ends in .Com
can be a challenge. Other popular extensions include .Net, .Org.,
.Info. And .Biz. Plus, hundreds of fun new ones are now available,
like .Guru, .Shop, .Nyc, and .Actor.

These descriptive extensions allow you to
perfectly represent your business and boost your brand. Speaking of your brand, you can protect and
build it by purchasing misspelled versions of your domain name so customers who get it
wrong are still ushered to your website. Its also a good idea to purchase your domain
with various extensions to prevent competitors from registering them. Finally, make haste.

Domain names sell fast. But most are affordable, so get your favorite
domain registered now before someone else beats you to it. Domain registrars, like GoDaddy, streamline
the process of finding a good domain name because they know which names are and are
not available, and help with your search by suggesting relevant alternate domains when
the one you want is already taken. Need a great domain name? Theres one waiting for you..